Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Rationale of Past Life Regression

type='html'>Why should you even bother of discovering your past life when your present life is too much to handle? This is the common misconception of many people. You see, if you’re facing a lot of dilemmas today, it may be connected to your past life. By re-opening your past life, you may be able to find answers.

Here’s a very good example. A certain wealthy individual is suffering from an unexplainable trauma. In his past life, he discovered that he was extremely wealthy and barbarians killed him. The trauma experienced by the individual is connected to his past. Unconsciously, his mind has associated wealth with death which explains the trauma he is currently facing.

Women who are not comfortable in the presence of men especially in having sex may have been raped in their past lives.

A habitual eater may have been around during the Holocaust wherein thousands of people died because of hunger. At present, the individual is trying really hard to control his life and whenever he or she is in distress, eating too much is a natural tendency.

A greedy pirate in the past may find it hard to handle finances in the present life.

These are true examples of past life regression. These individuals were able to understand their present condition by simply subjecting themselves to PLR therapy. In fact, according to studies, health conditions may be rooted to the past life of an individual.

People suffering from asthma may have choked or drowned in the past. Those who suffer from back pain may have been shot or stabbed on the back. Healing may be possible through past life regression. If you’ve been undergoing medical check ups and programs for a long time but with no substantial improvement, perhaps it’s now time to consider PLR. Therapists claim that the memories of the past life lie on the unconscious mind of the individual. Oftentimes, wrong conclusions about the past are already imprinted in the subconscious and because of this the present life is also affected. For instance, in your past life, your husband left you so in your present life you don’t trust men. Another example is you were killed when the Romans attacked at night and so today you associate darkness to danger.

This is the rationale of past life regression. All your fears today including some of your health conditions may be the result of wrong imprints in your mind. Discovering the past may be your only chance to correct things. When you’re rediscovering your past life, you will not remember anything once you’re conscious mind is back. The details of the PLR sessions will be provided by the therapist. Talk to your therapist and reveal your past, no matter how good or bad it is. You must learn to understand your past life so that you can better understand the present.

Past life regression is not new and it has been practiced for many years now. Aside from hypnosis, the therapist can also use other methods to uncover your past life. After talking to a PLR therapist, the appropriate method can be determined. You need to be open to the therapist and provide all the necessary information. You will benefit greatly from PLR. If you’re having second thoughts about it, you can invite a friend or a family member to accompany you.

Are you ready to elevate your level of reality by uncovering the mysteries that make up the events of your past life? Power Past Life Regression was created By world-renowned hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, Power PLR is designed to help you discover how your past lives are affecting everything that makes up what your life ts today. Click Here!

Air Force Academy Gives Pagans, Druids and Wiccans Place to Worship

type='html'>Who says Christian evangelicals aren't open-minded?
The Air Force Academy has set aside an outdoor worship area for Pagans, Wiccans, Druids and other Earth-centered believers, school officials said Monday.

A double circle of stones atop a hill on the campus near Colorado Springs has been designated for the group, which previously met indoors. Read more

The Strange Case of Omnec Onec

type='html'>The UFO Mystic looks at the strange case of Omnec Onec, the hot Venusian.
I don’t know why I’m so interested in UFO contactees, but the stories and the personalities are so intriguing that it’s kept me looking for years now. In many ways, it is far more intriguing than more reports of lights in the sky. Belief systems are strange, and sometimes make people do weird stuff. Perhaps the fascination is akin to some people’s interest in professional wrestling. I know it’s probably all (or mostly) a fake, but the showmanship combined with the religious aspects is irresistible.

Female UFO contactees are rare. Readers of this site may be familiar with Dana Howard and Mollie Thompson, but these women belong to the “classic” era of the space people–the 1950s and ’60s. Apart from Pamela Stonebrooke, few women have come forward in the last 20-30 years telling tales of outer-space intrigue or spouting new-age homlies.

Regan Lee recently posted a small feature on “Omnec Onec,” which has got to be one of the best space sister names I’ve heard. Read more

Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.

Various Techniques of Past Life Regression

type='html'>Recalling your past can be done through hypnosis. This is the most common method used for past life regression but there are also other ways to conduct PLR. Different techniques are used to uncover details of past life and it is up to the PLR therapist to determine which technique is best suited to a certain individual.

Hypnosis is the most used method because the therapist can get in touch with the unconscious mind of his patient. Prior to hypnotism, the therapist will ask the individual for the things that bother him or if he is suffering from any health condition. This will be the subject and it will be the basis of the PLR session. Two techniques are employed in this situation:

1. The therapist will use the subject as a root to accessing the past life of the patient. He will constantly prompt the individual with questions. The therapist creates a suitable atmosphere where the patient can go back to his past life. Once the patient reaches a relaxed state, the therapist can now access the recollections of the individual. After reaching the appropriate consciousness level or the in-utero stage, flashes of inter-life conditions can now be seen and so the individual can verbally describe such memories.
2. Karma or Cause and Effect – this cause and effect method is another PLR technique. The principle of karma is being used in this method. Your past life has a relationship with your present life. The effects are seen today so you need to discover your past life to determine the root cause. For instance, if you were a good person in your past life, you will also have a great present life. But if you’re bad, then your present life will not be very pleasant. If you’ve made unfulfilled decisions, thoughts, promises, and vow, the effects can be seen in your present life. Take note of your mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical health. If you notice anything abnormal, you may need to visit a PLR therapist.

In order to get information on your past life, the therapist will ask for your birth date and the time you were born. The therapist is the only person who can determine the right state for accessing your unconscious mind. Aside from hypnosis, the PLR therapist can also make use of non-hypnotic techniques. These are also called bridge techniques. It concerns your physical sensations, phrases, visions, words, and intense emotions. In this technique, the patient will automatically slip to consciousness and they don’t even need to undergo the transition state. If you’re having conflicts today, it may be connected to your past life. Only by accessing your past life can you resolve the conflicts you’re having.

Since it can seem impossible to believe having a past life, why don’t you check out online forums on PLR? You can get a lot of information there. You can have a chance to talk to people who experience PLR. There’s no harm in trying. If you have conflicts, health conditions, or any other problem that you can’t resolve, it is now time to try a different approach. Consider past life regression and see if it works for you. Contact a qualified and experienced PLR therapist in your area now. Try to arrange for a schedule so that you can already talk about the details of the PLR sessions that you’re going to have.

Are you ready to elevate your level of reality by uncovering the mysteries that make up the events of your past life? Power Past Life Regression was created By world-renowned hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, Power PLR is designed to help you discover how your past lives are affecting everything that makes up what your life ts today. Click Here!

Police Investigate "Bigfoot" Sighting

type='html'>Sheriff Richard Vaughan referred a report of a Bigfoot sighting in Grayson County to Virginia Conservation police officers, who went to the scene to investigate but didn't find anything.
Big Foot in Grayson County?

No one knows for sure but the Grayson County Sheriff’s Department received a call last Thursday night reporting Big Foot or some other furry, upright creature.

Sheriff Richard Vaughan said the sheriff’s office received a call about 9:30 p.m. from a Grayson County man who said his wife, another woman and a young boy were traveling north on Route 89.

The caller reported that while traveling between the Blue Ridge Parkway bridge and Edmonds Road they spotted a huge creature that was about 7 feet tall, hairy all over and black.

The creature reportedly came up to the edge of the highway and when he saw car lights disappeared into some pine trees nearby. Read more

Searching for Strange Cauldrons in the Valley of Death

type='html'>Ivan Mackerle describes his search for the strange "cauldrons" said to have been left by alien visitors - or ancient demons - in the Siberian taiga.
The Siberian taiga is a vast stretch of mainly barren coniferous forest as unspoiled and unexplored as the Amazon jungle, and more than 100,000 sq km in western Yakutia are completely uninhabited. Devoid of any sort of trails, the terrain is mostly thick forest, full of uprooted trees, sprawling swamps and swarms of mosquitoes. In short, it's an ancient wildwood - an ideal setting for myths and legends about strange creatures and anomalous zones where bizarre things happen. Even the local wild man - Chuchuna - is far from exceptional here, and the most fascinating mystery of all is a strange legend about a terrible 'Valley of Death' filled with unnatural, dome-shaped structures.

Local traditions record that lone hunters from the nomadic Evenks and other Yakutians who wander into these weird valleys - there could be more than one - have described odd hemispherical 'iron houses' (kheldyu) that proturude from the perpetually frozen ground. These smooth, reddish formations often have an opening at the top, with a winding stairwell leading down to a circular gallery with numerous 'metal' rooms. Read more

Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.

A Game of Past Life Regression

type='html'>You can undergo past life regression through hypnosis or without a trance session. Hypnosis can only be done by an expert because it involves risks. It can be dangerous to the patient if the person performing the trance is not equipped with adequate knowledge.

Hypnosis usually starts with guided meditation to achieve a relaxed state of the mind and body. Self hypnosis is possible but then again, you are not encouraged to do it especially if you’re a beginner. Would it be possible to do PLR without trance? Try following these rules and you will have positive results. Rule number one – you should not think about PLR. Answer all questions promptly and without delay. Just in case you don’t know the answer to the question, make it all up or make a guess.

Here are the possible questions that you can initially ask – were you male/female, your work, father, mother, any children, brothers, sisters, place, time, the age you died, the cause of death. The very first answers that enter your mind should be noted. Now this is not the final answers yet. Further questions should be asked for additional details. There are times when there is a shift in the details being provided and make sure that you jot them down.

You can refine the construct by asking questions like – how tall were you, color of the hair, style, color of the eyes, skin tone, striking appearance, identifying features, underwear, clothing, footwear, jewelry or unique decorations, important possessions, and other important things that you can recall? Intriguing details can be obtained after answering these questions. The questions are basic ones and they can be answered easily by a quick nod or head shake.

The answers to the initial questions are only generic information and it still lacks personality. However, such information is vital for refinement when additional questions are asked. Later on, you can already obtain specific information such as event, creature, countryside, person, etc. Temporal aspects are added in the succeeding PLR sessions and you can now ask questions like how did it happen, what about the future, and other related questions. Everything seems real at this point.

Try to focus on a certain aspect of your life so that you can obtain more details. The first-person recollections can now be associated with events that are detailed and real.

It doesn’t really matter whether you believe in past life or not because PLR is fascinating and exciting especially when you make true, lasting, and real changes in your life. To some, the memories may be metaphorical reenactments while others treat them as real recollections; and in the end, everything will depend on your belief.

If you have hesitations in guided meditations and hypnosis, you can always try this procedure because you will not undergo any trance. The questions are asked and in an instant, you need to answer without thinking. Your creativity can be used in this method and you can generate stories, situations, and events. Try to work with all the information you can find.

This simple method without trance can be done in parties and in other gatherings. It will simply add a touch of magic in the occasion. What’s interesting about this game is that people will not know that they are already doing some sort of past life regression. Try it now and see how much information you can get.

Are you ready to elevate your level of reality by uncovering the mysteries that make up the events of your past life? Power Past Life Regression was created By world-renowned hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, Power PLR is designed to help you discover how your past lives are affecting everything that makes up what your life ts today. Click Here!

Michael Jackson's Spirit "Asked for Forgiveness"

type='html'>Michael Jackson has spoken out from beyond the grave to Lisa Marie Presley in a seance, according to his former make-up artist Karan Faye. Faye insists Jackson's spirit seemed to be "unsettled" and expressed remorse for any wrongdoing.
Michael Jackson's spirit asked his ex-wife Lisa Marie Presley for forgiveness during a seance.

Michael died aged 50 last June, after taking a cocktail of drugs including powerful anaesthetic Propofol. His personal physician Dr Conrad Murray was charged with involuntary manslaughter on Monday, but has pleaded not guilty.

The pop icon's former make-up artist Karan Faye has revealed she and Lisa Marie visited a psychic last week, and were put in touch with Michael. Read more

Woman Killed Psychic over Failed Love Spell

type='html'>An Orange County, CA, jury has found a woman guilty of murdering a Westminster fortune teller and her daughter because a love spell didn't work.
A woman in the US is facing the death penalty for allegedly travelling across the country with a hitman to kill a fortune teller after a love spell failed to work.

Tanya Nelson, from North Carolina, and her alleged accomplice Phillipe Zamora are accused of stabbing the psychic Jade Smith, 57, and her daughter Anita Vo, 23, to death in April 2005, US media report.

It is alleged Miss Nelson, 45, became angry with her fortune teller friend after she was unable to use her magical powers to get Miss Nelson's ex-lover to return to her. Read more

Past Life Regression for Healing

type='html'>Reincarnation is a very interesting subject and for many years, it has captured the attention of many people. Almost all the religion systems that people know today believe in reincarnation. According to statistics, about 55% of people all over the world believe in past life. Past life regression can aid in the healing process and this is one of the reasons why many individuals are taking interest on this matter.

It’s quite impossible to believe in the death-rebirth stage of an individual. Death is the end of life here on earth and very few people believe in life after death. Through past life regression, the stage of death-rebirth can be illuminated and it will be easier to discover your past life. There are different techniques being used in past life regression. To some occultists, discovering your past life is like developing a unique and magical memory. Past life regression is now quite popular all over the world. If you want to investigate further on this interesting subject, you can find a lot of reading materials about past life and reincarnation and other online resources. Why should you learn about the past?

It’s not easy to uncover the past life. Firstly, you need to believe in reincarnation. As you go through life, you encounter a lot of experiences (pleasant and unpleasant). In most cases, your unconscious mind tries to send messages to your conscious mind; but this is quite complicated and most individuals don’t know how to interpret it. The inner mind whispers the messages but your conscious mind choose not to listen. The symbolic message can only be understood through PLR or past life regression.

Past life is like a fantasy and so very few believe in it. Only the expert can determine whether the symbolic messages come purely from the unconscious mind or from the past life; and that is done through simple checks and procedures.

The thought of having a past life is fascinating but it really does happen. You can use your curiosity to discover a past life that your conscious mind is unaware of. According to PLR therapists, reincarnation is all about learning the lessons of consciousness and life. It’s important that you learn about the past because you will be able to identify the mistakes you’ve done back then. If you’ve learned from your mistakes in your past life, then there is no need to re-learn them in your present life.

If you feel like a certain message is being sent to you by your subconscious, take some time to determine what the message means and consult a PLR therapist.

Your belief in reincarnation doesn’t matter. Past life regression can only be valuable to you if you put the knowledge you’ve gained to use. Past life is often regarded as a personal thing and very few would want to share what they have discovered. You need to apply the necessary changes in your life based on the things you’ve discovered.

For those people who feel like something’s hindering their creativity, success, and health, past life regression may be the answer. Don’t confuse past life with delusion. The latter is trying to fantasize a life that they want to live. For real healing, PLR can help you a lot. It can provide the needed answers to your long-time questions.

Are you ready to elevate your level of reality by uncovering the mysteries that make up the events of your past life? Power Past Life Regression was created By world-renowned hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, Power PLR is designed to help you discover how your past lives are affecting everything that makes up what your life ts today. Click Here!

UK UFO Files Edited

type='html'>When investigators receive FBI files under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), they find they are mostly useless, because huge blocks information have been "redacted" (blacked out). The Independent reveals that the same thing is true for the Ministry of Defence UFO files that were recently released.
The Ministry of Defence had to blank out "uncomplimentary comments" made by officials about members of the public before publishing its UFO files, a newly released document shows.

Following a deluge of requests under the Freedom of Information (FoI) Act 2000, the MoD agreed to disclose its full archive of reported sightings of unexplained sights in the skies.

But a previously secret memo reveals that the files had to be edited for references to military technology, relations with other countries and insulting remarks about the public written by defence officials and police. Read more

Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.

Was Nikola Tesla a UFO Contactee?

type='html'>Nikola Tesla was an inventor, who is best known for his many revolutionary developments in the field of electromagnetism. Because he was so far ahead of his time, some have speculated that Tesla was a UFO contactee. Tesla himself actually claimed publicly that he was receiving extraterrestrial voice transmissions.
In the more than 60 years since his death, Nikola Tesla has never ceased to be a fascinating, mysterious figure dwelling somewhere outside the borders of history as it is understood by the unseeing masses. While we as a 21st century civilization continue to reap the benefits of his outsized genius, Tesla has yet to be given the recognition he deserves as a major architect of the relatively technologically comfortable age we live in.

Still, there are those of us who do give Tesla his due, belatedly but sincerely. This article will deal with an aspect of Tesla’s genius that has gotten short shrift even from those of us who revere his name: UFO contact.

And that theory is nowhere better espoused than in "The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla" by Tim R. Swartz. Swartz’s bestselling classic has recently been updated and reissued by Global Communications and is worth a new look whether you’ve read the first edition or not. Read more

Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.

Past Life Regression and Reincarnation

type='html'>It seems that many individuals want to talk about past life regression and reincarnation. Many people are now geting interested on this subject… who wouldn’t be? Just the thought of having a past life makes people curious. If you want to find out if you had a past life, you need to undergo past life regression or PLR. Some people regress back to their childhood days but going back to a past life is even more exciting and fascinating. Through PLR, you will be able to re-live your previous life. You will discover how you died and perhaps some information in between. You can learn a lot of things from your past life that are somehow connected to your present.

If you try to browse through books in the library and in bookstores, you will discover that there are lots of books about regression therapy and reincarnation. Many people think that past life is a fanciful imagination and there are also those who think its a fraud. Before you judge PLR, why don’t you try it out?

Troubled patients who can’t seem to get the desired results with conventional medicine often turn to PLR therapy. Somehow these individuals are hoping that they will find the answers if they uncovered their past life. The western world still has a hard time believing in reincarnation but it’s slowly making its way through the market. To prove that reincarnation is true, there are also books about children who claimed that they’ve somehow remembered their past lives. The children who suffered from violent deaths in the past and at present, they have birthmarks which indicate the wounds or death blows of their past lives. How can you explain such things? Are the marks just mere coincidence?

You will never know the answers unless you try PLR therapy. It would be very difficult for you to discover important aspects of a past life. You will need the help of an expert therapist. PLR involves certain procedures that an inexperienced person can’t understand. Contact a PLR therapist if you want to find out more about your past. It’s not that hard to find a therapist because the internet can help you out. The internet is full of information about reincarnation and past life regression.

To be able to explore your past without many problems, you need to open your spirit and your mind. PLR sounds supernatural but if you try it out, you can increase your awareness about past life and reincarnation.

Many individuals who tried PLR are shocked of the revelations they found out. After some time, these individuals were able to find inner peace and wonderful well being. If you’re currently suffering from a health condition for some time now and you can’t find a cure or perhaps you’re dealing with a certain fear or problem, PLR might be able to help you. Some of the answer lies in the past. You should not forget about it but since your conscious mind is hindering the subconscious, you can’t remember a thing.

Past life regression is now well-known especially in religious countries. It seems that most religions believe in reincarnation; perhaps that it’s time to believe in it too. You will not lose anything if you try it out. After a PLR session, you can now decide whether you will believe in reincarnation or not.

Are you ready to elevate your level of reality by uncovering the mysteries that make up the events of your past life? Power Past Life Regression was created By world-renowned hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, Power PLR is designed to help you discover how your past lives are affecting everything that makes up what your life ts today. Click Here!

US Court Rules Zombies have Right to Free Speech

type='html'>An appeals court ruled that horror-movie style zombies have the right to free speech after a group of protesters dressed as zombies were arrested by Minnesota police.
A court has allowed a group of protesters dressed as zombies to continue with a lawsuit against police who arrested them for disorderly conduct.

The appeal court overturned a previous finding that the group had correctly been arrested over a 2006 protest in a shopping centre.

The group had been wearing makeup designed to make them look like and extra in a horror flick, with white faces, fake blood and black circles round their eyes. Read more

New UFO Reports Will Be Destroyed

type='html'>The British Ministry of Defence has issued a policy memo stating that all new UFO reports it receives will be destroyed after 30 days.
The British Ministry of Defense said in a policy memo all reports of UFO sightings should be destroyed after being held for 30 days.

The newly released document shows the ministry will only keep a report about unidentified flying objects for several weeks, before throwing them out and avoiding the possibility of releasing the reports via the Freedom of Information Act, The Sun reported Sunday. Read more

Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.