Monday, September 17, 2012

Past Life Regression and Success

type='html'>Your present life is a continuation of your past life. Some individuals may believe in it, but others might not. Still, continuous studies on past life regression reveals that the past life of an individual can affect present life conditions. So why consider a PLR therapy?

Firstly, you can benefit from learning your past. You see, the effects of the problems you’ve encountered in the past life may still be disturbing you at present. Through PLR therapy, you can work on the problems and somehow make positive changes in your present life.

Anyone can access their past life through the help of a PLR therapist. There are also ways to explore the past on your own but this may take time. There are certain exercises that can help you in exploring the past. Learn how the exercises are done and for how long. You must have the desire to learn such exercises and that you’re patient enough to explore. In order to access the past life recollections, you need to relax. Complete relaxation of the mind and body is essential. Once you start the exercises, you should focus your mind on discovering your past life. This should be your only thought. It would be impossible to get this the first time; just be patient.

Find a position where you can relax. You can either lie down or remain seated. If you prefer to sit down, make sure that you’re comfortable and relaxed. Do this in a quite place. Make sure that no one bothers you. You can do this at home, preferably in your room where no one can disturb you. You can even put up a sign on your door which says ‘do not disturb’. Prior to this exercise, you need to ensure that you slept well during the night so that you won’t fall asleep.

People have different beliefs when it comes to spiritual guides. Ask the spiritual guide you believe in to guide you while you’re regressing. The spiritual guide should protect you when you’re conducting past life regression. You need to ensure that you don’t go beyond 45 minutes. If you want, you can set up the alarm for 45 minutes.

You must know the reason for doing PLR. It might be that you want to find answers to some of your questions or perhaps you simply want to find out important aspects in your past. When conducting the exercise, you should achieve total relaxation. Your mind and body should be relaxed. Once you’re in a relaxed state, you should now focus on entering the so called ‘inner self’. Visualize stairs and at the bottom, a door. You need to walk slowly down the stairs. The door is the key to accessing your past life. When you reach the door, you can either sit down and rest or you open the door. There is no need to rush things. If you think you’re still not ready, just take a rest. When you’re ready, open the door slowly. Going down the stairs is only half of the experience and the other half will be discovering your past life.

Each individual is unique and you must accept this fact. You must be able to understand your past life during past life regression so that you can achieve success in your present life.

Are you ready to elevate your level of reality by uncovering the mysteries that make up the events of your past life? Power Past Life Regression was created By world-renowned hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, Power PLR is designed to help you discover how your past lives are affecting everything that makes up what your life ts today. Click Here!

For Sale: Two Captured Ghosts

type='html'>For sale: "Two captured ghosts, trapped inside bottles of holy water to make them sleepy." I've seen things like this on eBay before and always wondered if they ever sell. Apparently, the bidding was brisk on this item.
A New Zealand woman has solved the mystery of what gift to get for the person who has everything.

But she's raised a whole lot of other questions in the process.

Avie Woodbury claimed she was so tired of being haunted that she called in an exorcist to rid her house of two ghosts.

The exorcist trapped the spirits in bottles of holy water - which Ms Woodbury has now put up for sale on internet auction site TradeMe.

'The holy water dulls the spirits' energy, sort of puts them to sleep' she said. Read more

The Many Faces of Bigfoot

type='html'>This video presents an assortment of different Bigfoot type creatures and other primates that are mistaken for a Sasquatch, plus a short clip from a 2009 search which included bows, structures, and huts.

Past Life Regression and FLP

type='html'>If some individuals are interested in finding out about their past lives, there are also those who want to go to the future. Traveling to the future is a very exciting idea because you will eventually find out the good and bad decisions you’ve made. You will also know how to solve your present problems because you already know the solutions. Have you considered past life regression? According to studies, if you want to have a fruitful future, you need to learn about the past. Do you want to try PLR and FLP?

Most individuals tend to have a lot of ‘what if’s’ in their minds. Through past life regression, you can discover a lot of things that can be of great benefit to you. If you’re suffering from unexplainable conditions or problems, PLR might be the answer. Opposite PLR is FLP or future life progression. There are certain individuals who prefer to look into their future rather than their past. Certain individuals want to find out who they were able to marry, what kind of life they are living, and where they live. PLR and FLP are similar but at the same time different. The procedures used are quite similar for PLR and FLP; however, the former is focused on the past while the other one is focused on the future. The idea of FLP was based in RV or remote viewing. This ability to travel to other places using consciousness; CIA pioneered RV as a psychic espionage tool. This agency spent a huge amount of money in order to locate KGB spies, hostages, drug shipments, crashed planes, and many others. FLP is a less complicated process because you don’t need to be one of the CIA.

Past Life Regression

This method of discovering your past can be done through hypnosis although there are also non-hypnosis methods being employed by PLR therapists. The appropriate method to use can only be determined after you’ve talked with the therapist about the things that you want to know or find out about your past life. PLR therapists are available worldwide and you can easily find one living in your area through a quick online search. Once you find a local PLR therapist, you can now start with the PLR sessions.

Future Life Progression

Discovering the past is just as important as knowing the future. If you have firm belief that the FLP therapist is a good one, then you can try it out. Those who have tried FLP sessions claim that they are able to lie a more fulfilling and successful life. There are also claims of talking to their future self which really helped in making present decisions. It’s up to you whether you will believe in these things or not.

No matter what other people say, the decision to go for a PLR or FLP therapy is a personal one. Don’t let others influence your decision. You will a more memorable and exciting experience if you do the therapy willingly. Find PLR or FLP therapists in your area now. You can choose any of the two procedures. It also involves a certain fee. Make sure that you can afford to pay for the services of the PLR or FLP therapist. It takes a few sessions before you get substantial information about your past or future; so try to choose a therapist who offers reasonable fees and at the same time, a reputable one.

Are you ready to elevate your level of reality by uncovering the mysteries that make up the events of your past life? Power Past Life Regression was created By world-renowned hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, Power PLR is designed to help you discover how your past lives are affecting everything that makes up what your life ts today. Click Here!

The Marine and the Black-Eyed Kids

type='html'>Stephen Wagner at reports on a Marine's encounter with black-eyed children. It's interesting how much the black-eyed kids characteristics resemble those of vampires, just as ET behavior resembles fairy legends. Are we dealing with ancient races who have long interacted with humans, rather than some extraterrestrial phenomenon?
You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who is tougher than a U.S. Marine. These soldiers are trained in combat, survival and to face the threat of imminent bodily harm or death. But perhaps they're not quite prepared when it comes to encounters with the unknown. Consider this report from a Marine, using the name Reaper 3-1, who had an unexpected and altogether unnerving experience with the mysterious phenomenon of the black-eyed people. To make it even more harrowing, these black-eyed entities appeared to be small kids. This is the Marine's story....

I'M A MARINE stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. I live in the infantry barracks off of River Road. I recently had a rather strange encounter with a pair of black-eyed kids. Read more

Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.

Did Hobbits Have a Million-Year History on Flores Island?

type='html'>"Hobbits" may have lived on the Indonesian island of Flores much longer than previously thought.
Newfound stone tools suggest the evolutionary history of the "hobbits" on the Indonesian island of Flores stretches back a million years, a new study says—200,000 years longer than previously thought. Read more

Past Life Regression and Reincarnation: Myth or Reality?

type='html'>Are there really benefits to past life regression? Non-believers of reincarnation think that past life is simply an imagination and a fraud. Well, you don’t have to believe them instantly not unless you’ve looked into the possible benefits you can get from past life regression.

Even if you already know something about the life prior to your present, it means nothing especially if you don’t do anything or make changes in your present life that is related to the past. Your conscious mind tells you what to do in your everyday life. Was there a point when you felt that something was missing in your life? Are there times when mysterious thoughts pop into your mind? In these instances, your subconscious mind might be telling your something and the problem is – you’re not listening or not giving it some attention.

Most religions all over the world like Catholic and Judaism believe in reincarnation. Because of the limited belief in past life regression, some people think that it’s only a myth. This is also true with hypnosis which happens to be the most common tool used in PLR. According to therapists, there is a connection between the current life and the past life. Famous people may also have been quite famous in their past lives.

Those who don’t believe in past life are asking for substantial evidence as a proof. It’s impossible to research about your past life. Notable exceptions are also known but this happens rarely.

In the case of PLR, a person can recall the details of his past life but once he returns to his conscious mind, he will recall anything. Only through the help of an experienced and reputable PLR therapist can you discover about the past.

Here’s a very good example that can serve as a proof that there really is a past life. A patient consulted a PLR therapist. The patient speaks only the English language and he doesn’t know any other language. During the therapy, he started talking in Spanish. The way he talked showed that he knew so much about the language during a certain era. So you see, when your subconscious is accessed through PLR, a lot of things can be discovered.

Aside from the past life, you can also uncover deeper memories that you can hardly remember, whether from your current life or that of the past. PLR is truly a fascinating thing. It can’t be considered a myth because there are already pieces of evidence that proves its validity. The decision is now only up to the individual whether he or she will believe in PLR or not. It is a matter of personal choice. Even if others don’t believe in it, you can always try a PLR session. You have nothing to lose just in case you consult a PLR therapist. It is also up to you whether you will believe in what you’ve discovered or whether you will allow such knowledge to affect your present life.

Past life regression is practiced all over the world. For centuries, a lot of people believed in reincarnation even though others contradict such belief. If you think that there is truth behind the claims of people who tried PLR, you’re free to consult a reputable PLR therapist. The experience you can gain is magical and fascinating; so why not try it now?

Are you ready to elevate your level of reality by uncovering the mysteries that make up the events of your past life? Power Past Life Regression was created By world-renowned hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, Power PLR is designed to help you discover how your past lives are affecting everything that makes up what your life ts today. Click Here!

UFOs Buzz Australian Nuclear Site

type='html'>Although most people are completely unaware of its existence, the UFO/nuclear connection is well-established. A recent incident occurred in Australia after UFOs were spotted at the nuclear waste storage facility in Australia's Northern Territory.
Aliens could be the latest to weigh in on the nuclear waste storage debate after UFOs were spotted near the proposed Territory facility.

Muckaty Station manager Ray Aylett said he saw UFOs hovering over a part of his station north of Tennant Creek last Wednesday.

He said he spotted strange lights between the two sites on the property under consideration for the dump. Read more

Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.

The Bunyip: Australia's Unknown Creature

type='html'>The Pacific Northwest has Bigfoot, Latin America has the Chupacabras, and Australia has a the bunyip - a large creature said to lurk in swamps, billabongs, creeks, riverbeds, and waterholes. .
The bunyip is a mythical creature that is native to Australia. It is also known as kianpraty. The Aborigine word “bunyip” translates into demon spirit. There has been some debate as to whether this creature is just another species of Bigfoot or yeti, however, no one knows if there is a relation. The Australian Aborigines believed in the Bunyip so thoroughly that it has been integrated as a part of their traditional ceremonies and stories. Read more

Your Life’s Purpose and Past Life Regression

type='html'>It's a popular belief that humans have souls. For centuries now, people have believed in a superior being, God. God created humans with souls and without it, you will not exist in this world. According to studies, the world is part of a certain "oneness" with energy and other planes. Humans now slowly understand this concept. They want to learn more about how the world works and what it’s all about. The only thing that’s permanent in this world is change. A changed world can bring new experiences. In order to know your life’s purpose, it would be best to know first about your past life. This is where past life regression comes in.

Life here on earth is a journey and everything has a purpose. As you grow older, you want to find out more about your purpose. Are you aware of why you’re here on earth or which path you’re trying to head out to? Was there ever an instance when you felt that a certain situation has already occurred? Or that you know someone even though you haven’t met him or her yet? If your answer is yes, then you need to know more about past life regression.

Your past shapes your present life and you need to focus on properly shaping the future ahead of you. You now have the power to create a much better life, a changed one. Try to think about all the things that you want to do and what makes you happy. Do the things that give you happiness and contentment. People usually take the easy path in life but did you ever think that you can have a better and more fulfilling life ahead? Without understanding yourself first, you can’t make desirable changes in your life. You see, you can’t blame others when things don’t go your way.

As long you’re still alive, you have a chance to live a better and more fulfilling life. When you make mistakes, try to learn from them. Don’t hesitate to explore new things. Do what you can do today and don’t leave it for tomorrow. Be aware of other’s feelings and don’t so something that can hurt or harm them. These things might seem difficult but if you simply exert enough effort, you will be able to perform them all.

Why don’t you try PLR? There are lots of PLR therapists around the world who can help you in exploring your past. According to studies, the only way to understand your present life is to know about your past. Not everyone believes in past lives but if you want to know more about your purpose, you should not hesitate to undergo a PLR session.

Find an experienced PLR therapist now. Hypnosis is usually being used to discover past life memories or experiences. Arrange for a session now especially if you’re having trouble in handling your problems or health condition. Perhaps the past can provide you with the answers. You might also find the answer as to your purpose in life.

Past life regression is already widely available although a great many still don’t believe in it. Now, the question is – do you believe in past lives? If you have a strong belief, this method may be able to give you the answers. Good luck for now and once you do find out about your purpose, make sure that you achieve it.

Are you ready to elevate your level of reality by uncovering the mysteries that make up the events of your past life? Power Past Life Regression was created By world-renowned hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, Power PLR is designed to help you discover how your past lives are affecting everything that makes up what your life ts today. Click Here!

Archaeologists Find Door to the Afterlife

type='html'>Archaeologists have unearthed a 3,500-year-old door to the afterlife from the tomb of a high-ranking Egyptian official near Karnak temple in Luxor.
The recessed niches found in nearly all ancient Egyptian tombs were meant to take the spirits of the dead to and from the afterworld. The nearly six-foot- tall (1.75 meters) slab of pink granite was covered with religious texts.

The door came from the tomb of User, the chief minister of Queen Hatshepsut, a powerful, 15th century BC queen from the New Kingdom with a famous mortuary temple near Luxor in southern Egypt. Read more

Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.

Top 10 Religious Mysteries and Miracles

type='html'>From the Marian apparitions to the Shroud of Turin, Stephen Wagner lists the top ten religious mysteries and miracles.
Do miracles take place? Are angels real? Does prayer work? These are some of the phenomena for which science tries to find rational explanations, and for the faithful no explanations are necessary. But the ten mysteries examined below are of continuing interest to many people, if only out of curiosity, and are subjects of genuine inquiry by paranormal investigators. In no particular order, here are the top ten religious mysteries and miracles. Read more

Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.