Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Cara membuat aplikasi BlackBerry

Diakui atau tidak, kemampuan dalam membuat aplikasi untuk berbagai platform seperti BlackBerry, Android, iPhone, dan lainnya merupakan dambaan banyak orang. Betapa tidak, telah tak terhitung jumlahnya orang, kelompok atau bahkan badan usaha yang kemudian dikenal banyak orang dan mendapatkan keuntungan materi pasca mereka mampu membuat aplikasi.
Cara membuat aplikasi BlackBerry

Lantas, sulitkah cara membuat aplikasi BlackBerry, iPhone, atau Android tersebut? Sebenarnya persoalan susah atau gampang hanya berkutat pada cara pandang. Kalau sedari awal Anda berpikir bahwa membuat aplikasi itu susah, maka jangan harap akan mudah dalam mengerjakannya. Hal tersebut juga berlaku sebaliknya.
Kali ini Saya akan mempersembahkan cara membuat aplikasi BlackBerry. Patut diketahui, bahwa cara membuat aplikasi BlackBerry sebenarnya tak terlalu repot. Anda cukup belajar sedikit ihwal bahasa pemrograman Java. Dan inilah langkah demi langkah cara membuat aplikasi tersebut.
Munculkan Ide atau Gagasan
Bagaimanapun bahwa ide merupakan bahan baku awal ketika ingin membuat sesuatu, begitu juga ketika hendak melakukan step by step cara membuat aplikasi BlackBerry. Maka langkah pertama, Anda harus menentukan dulu aplikasi seperti apa yang akan Anda buat.
Belajar Bahasa Pemrograman Java
Kalau Anda sudah mendapatkan ide, maka langkah selanjutnya dalam cara membuat aplikasi BlackBerry adalah mempelajari bahasa pemrograman Java. Untuk hal ini, ada banyak cara yang bisa dilakukan, bisa belajar dari buku, menyewa mentor, atau mencari sumber di internet dan dipelajari secara otodidak. Beberapa tutorial bahasa pemrograman bisa Anda telusuri di internet, dan salah satu tutorial resminya Anda bisa masuk ke sini.
Download Java Development Kit (JDK)
Software yang satu ini berfungsi dalam melakukan kompilasi dan menjalankan program bahasa Java. Dalam langkah-langkah cara membuat aplikasi BlackBerry ini, Anda dipastikan memerlukan software yang satu ini versi 1.6/6.0 yang bisa di-download di sini.
Download Eclipse
Eclipse akan membantu Anda dalam membuat pemrograman Java menjadi lebih mudah. Lebih mantapnya lagi, ternyata BlackBerry sudah memiliki plugin yang bekerja langsung dengan Eclipse. Install Eclipse dan Andapun tinggal meng-install-nya.
Pelajari Tutorial Sederhana Dari BlackBerry
Ternyata BlackBerry juga menyediakan tutorial sederhana untuk membantu Anda dalam cara membuat aplikasi BlackBerry. Anda bisa mendapatkan di sini. Meskipun terbilang sederhana, namun merupakan konsep dasar untuk membuat sebuah aplikasi BlackBerry yang canggih.
Publikasikan Aplikasi Anda
Untuk apa sebuah karya kalau tak bisa dinikmati oleh banyak orang. Anda akan mendapatkan manfaat dengan mempublikasikan hasil karya aplikasi BlackBerry Anda sehingga semua orang bisa mengaksesnya. Andapun kemungkinan besar akan mendapatkan bayaran dari kerja keras Anda membuat sebuah aplikasi, terlebih jika apa yang Anda buat disenangi dan dipakai banyak pengguna BlackBerry. Nah untuk itu, Anda perlu mendaftarkan karya aplikasi Anda ke AppWorld di sini. Selamat berkreasi dan berkarya!

Balinese Traditional House and Philosophy Contained in the Establishment

In studying the customs and culture of Indonesia, including Bali , not separated from the home studied Balinese . Bali custom home built by the rules that exist in the Vedic scriptures . The house construction must conform to the rules of Asta Kosala Kosali procedures governing the laying house . This rule may be almost similar to the rules of feng shui known in china .Balinese Traditional House and Philosophy Contained in the Establishment
There is a philosophy behind the construction contained in Balinese traditional house . Custom home in Bali is a reflection of the condition of the existing society . There are three aspects or values ​​that should be contained in a custom home in Bali . According to the Balinese , harmony in the society will be realized JILA someone capable of realizing synergistic relationship between pawongan ( residents ) , palemahan ( the environment of the house where it is located ) , and parahyangan . Construction of houses in Bali must meet these three aspects , which are commonly referred to as the Tri Hita Karana .
Most homes built in traditional Balinese other than on the basis of three aspects of earlier , well built and decorated with knickknacks such as wood carvings , but seem natural color contrast . In any decorations or knick - knacks that exist in a traditional house in Bali , no philosophy or meaning adopted : for example the presence of the sculptures is a symbol of their worship to the creator, or thanks to the gods .Reflection of Balinese Culture

RUMAH ADAT BALIBalinese society is a society that upholds the culture , and it is reflected in the daily habit of architecture and buildings that were there : be it Balinese traditional house which they occupy , public buildings , places of worship , and others . Formerly, each custom homes in the occupied Bali consists of several small buildings united by a fence that surrounds the house . With the development of the architectural model and the development era , the house in Bali now no longer consists of several separate buildings .
As reviewed in the article above , the construction of custom homes in Bali is guided by the ejection Asta Kosala Kosali and in accordance with the principle of Tri Hita Karana . Each custom home is built there must meet these principles because the Balinese upholds the rule of life contained in the scriptures and the guidance of hereditary custom . Every thing that is written in the scriptures always ditati by the people of Bali , because Bali is known as the community residents who emnjunjung high culture and customs . For more details , maybe you can find some information about Bali and testimony custom homes and custom homes of Bali and its function . The existence of custom home is part of the Indonesian nation's wealth of cultural treasures .

Central Java Joglo Traditional House and his trademark

The diversity of Indonesian culture is also reflected in the Central Javanese traditional house must have been very well known by many people of Indonesia. This time we will discuss the uniqueness and diversity of the characteristics of the Central Javanese Joglo traditional house , which must have been very well known throughout the country . Joglo house is very well known by many people , especially people of Central Java . Joglo house is a skeleton that forms the custom homes in Central Java and the pillar of the form consists of four main pillars or pillars and beams intercropping arrangement that is supported by the pillar of the .Traditional House in Central Java house central java joglo
Socially , many of which have not previously traditional house because this house is a symbol of social status for the people of Java that have the economic ability of excess . Joglo is a type of house that requires a lot of expensive homes resource materials , especially wood . Generally homeowners Joglo formerly derived from the royalty or nobility . Houses of this type usually require large tracts of land because some parts of the house used to receive guests or load a lot of people .The parts in traditional house in Central Java
Generally part of Central Java traditional house consists of three main parts : pendhopo , pringgitan , and omah ndalem or omah njero . Pendhopo is part of the house that is usually used to receive guests . Pringgitan is part of the living room that is used for the puppet show ; derived from the root word " ringgit " , which means puppet . The third part is omah ndalem or omah njero , which is a family room . In omah njero there are three rooms ( senthong ) , namely senthong right, center , and left .
Judging from its structure , custom homes in Central Java might look more simple . Construction of the house as part pendhopo requires four pillars to support the establishment of the home . Poles is called the cornerstone of which is also a symbol determinant of the direction of the wind . Of the four fundamental pillars of these , there are also intercropping is inverted arrangement that propped cornerstone of. Ndalem or omah njero used as the core of a Joglo . Judging from the spatial structure , part ndalem have 2 different heights . It is intended that there is a space where air circulation .
Joglo is a type of Javanese traditional house that looks simple and is used as a symbol or a marker of social status or aristocratic Javanese aristocracy . This house has its own uniqueness or distinctiveness in the presence of pillars or pillar teacher , along with his intercropping . Every part of the house represents a different function , which is built on the vast land is also , therefore , this house belongs to only one of the propertied . Some other important things about custom homes in Central Java you can find from other sources , from wikipedia .

Pendet Welcome To Welcome To Gods - Gods

There is a beautiful dance called Pendet is a beautiful dance from Bali , this dance is one of the most sacred tribal dance when compared with other traditional dance because dance pendet use mystical elements that are in it . Traditional dance is symbolized aa reception Pendet gods coming down from the top into the world and penetrated the soul is dancing. Traditional dance Pendet quite a bit difficult to do the dance and for people who are already experts can dance , because for those who do not know will have difficulty in balancing ,Pendet Welcome To Welcome To Gods - Gods

Pendet dance is just a welcome to the gods who are in another world to enter the human realm , they give gods - gods that aims to welcome the god - the god of love and feel comforted because of the rave reviews . So god - the god of love with Pendet to dwell on earth and provide special benefits for his community and also serves as a protector of society .
Pendet Nor Couple Do It Group
Pendet Traditional dance is performed by means of pairs - male and female couple or with a group can also be done by men whose mass is usually done on the mountain . Clothing available on Pendet include tapih wearing green , red parchment , angkin prada yellow and red shawl plain without motive . As for the decoration used pendet dancers include hair sasak and use frangipani flowers , roses, clover and flowers Sandat who have a pattern of rules and the composition of each - each well was placed in a curved or elongated decara .
For completion Pendet dance usually mengginakan bowl is decorated with leaf ornament , with its own customized pieces motif according to the penarri , also with a bias motive lozenges slices or with the incorporation of existing motifs . Pendet itself is done with graceful movements without power , for pendet dance usually performed by female dancers with dynamic movement patterns that are usually performed during ceremonies or special events held in Bali to bring sengku , a pitcher , or cup with equipment offerings specifically for the show.
At Pendet dance Initially established in 1950 , when he first created this dance is usually performed only for the ceremony - a special ceremony only, but now many are showing this pendet dance in various places as a form of art appreciation and a desire to learn more pendet dance remote as well as for the development of culture Pendet .

Dance Central Java Gambyong Ah Tradition

Gambyong dance is a dance that originated from Central Java , Surakarta precisely . This dance is a dance performed in order to enliven the event or wedding receptions are often also played to welcome the guests . What makes it seem so different from other dances gambyong this dance is always preceded by Gending pickaxe . This dance was very beautiful diliat or seem so outrageous when sipenari dancing in tune with the rhythm of music mengirinya , especially when he is so wahhh when moving in rhythm with the drum sound is one of the main attraction gambyong dance . drummer drums in this dance is not a person who recklessly because he should be able to adjust to liak - contortion of the body of the dancer but also have to keep in tune with gising . Therefore , sipenari will not be able to dance well without being accompanied by matching sound with rocking drums . So selarasnya between the sound of drums and sipenari gambyong make these two things can not be separated .
dance gambyongDance Gambyong Instruments
Musical instrument or instruments that are typically used to accompany the dance are as follows :

successor gender
History of Dance Gambyong
At the beginning of this dance but the dance is also staged street by street dancers commonly referred to as Tledek ( Java Language ) . Tledek the name of this dance is Gambyong , he was very well known in nearly all regions of Surakarta on Pakubowono Sinuhun Period IV ( 1788 s / d 1820 ) . The figure of the dancer who is so very beautiful and of course she can also dance is very beautiful and so lovely and plus it also has a melodious voice , so it can not be denied again he became very famous at that time . And since that's the dance that plays dance dubbed Gambyong .motion Dance
At the center of this dance lies in the overall motion of the legs, arms , body , and head . Head movement and also the hand that once felt so conceptualized is the main characteristic Gambyong dance . Additionally eyes always accompany or follow every movement of your hand by looking at the direction of the fingers of the hand also is very dominant . Besides footwork so harmonious dance tune made ​​gambyong look so very fantastic .

Jaipong dance from West Java

There is a dance called Dance Jaipong which is a dance that originated from West Java , precisely in the city of Bandung . This dance was created by a famous artist in the city of Bandung which is inspired by folk art called Tap Tilu so that he can understand the ins and outs and patterns - the pattern is fundamentally about the beauty that exists in traditional and applying it in a Traditional Dance Jaipong .Jaipong Dance : The Origin Dance
She studied dance - traditional dances and other artistic patterns and learn the beauty of his art which is then poured in a whole new dance without copying existing dances , but the idea is still fresh . Dance Jaipong first known by the public is a dance named " Leaf pulus KESER Bojong " bojjong rending and also very well known by the public . Early attendance is considered dance as a dance community that is too vulgar and inappropriate to be displayed to the general public , and the dance is also reaping a lot of pros and cons of media - electronic media such as radio , newspapers , and television .
Change Up Now
This Jaipong dance at first because it was considered less desirable by society too vulgar , but the development of this dance Jaipur offers a blend with other styles . Which is now known as kaleran who have ibing pattern , the dance is danced with a very spontaneous , cheerful and eager . This dance is very different from the dances usually performed with erotic and vulgar movements , the dance is also used clothing that is more closed and polite when compared with KESER Bojong pulus leaves dance and also dances Bojong rending .
The number of professional dancers and dance Jaipong expert plays a glance the value added by the community , because the viewer a variety of experts who came from West Java to learn this dance then this dance with it also growing increasingly popular and well-known that this dance is now used in ceremonies welcome to guests from outside west Java dating to the west of Java as a guest . Sweet smile and a twinkle eyes of the female dancers is the most distinctive element in this dance , because it is the main part and the core of this dance .
And in the area kliningan located on the northern coast of western Java Jaipong also popularized the dance known as the West Java where kliningan doran wedge with the same pattern and even dance similar to tap dancing tilu previously named . Existence there was taken from the tilu tap dance which is then combined with the new movement , as well as a lot of changes - changes that make it different from the special dance jaipongan the origin of his famous dance makes Jaipong .

Dance Remo and greatness

When a guest who has a high position Dangan visit to one of the areas in East Java , it will surely be greeted guests and diirngi with Tari Remo . Of course , the distinguished visitor will be fascinated by this dance with authority and masculine aura that will definitely be emitted by the dancer . With a very charming dance , who would not be impressed ? Behind the glitz dance , apparently there is a history that can be regarded as a special history and unexpected .
REMO traditional DANCE INDONESIA of Dance Remo
Although Remo Indonesian dance is a dance that can dance like a luxurious dikategorikanse and feasible for use in big events and formal , this dance was apparently made ​​from a caste that was not unexpected . Caste was not another dance singers are domiciled in Ceweng village , Jombang . Yes , dance is now used luxury created by singers ! This dance is often used to envy the event can be watched en masse, as ludruk ( drama created in the form of dance ) . Remo ludruk and dance together, and to pay the musician mass of performances they give.
Then how could Remo Dance " evolved " into a dance used in events magnificent ? Actually , the first dance is often used as a companion ludruk . However , this dance began often used to fill in important events , such as grand welcome guests who usually is a state guest . Then , the dance is also beginning to be used in dance festivals in order to melambungak name and area of East Java , and to preserve the culture and customs that began diggantin with modern life . This makes Remo is more often used for grand occasions , and the system is still in use today .
Remo Dance Story
People must think , what makes dance Remo Jombang often used for luxury events in addition to its history ? Of course there is something that makes people interested in this dance ! Tari Remo dance is not a perfunctory , because there is a story behind the movements of the dancers who dance shows . This dance tells the story of a prince who was fighting in a moan , trying to win the war . Tetntu course , this makes this dance requires a dancer who can show sis man masculine men who can show the prince struggles to defend himself .
However , it is not a little woman who started this dance performance . Of course , this is a sensible thing for this dance should be preserved by Indonesia and the region where the dance originated ( Jombang ) . Take it easy , because the female version of Remo is not much different from the original version of the man . The only difference is that now is an introductory dance women . The female dancers are also still using the male costumes are usually used in Remo 's dance , make people can enjoy this dance without having to search for the most original version of this dance .

Gamelan of Central Java and Yogyakarta

Seperangkat Gmelan 
Gamelan orchestra is a musical ensemble that usually highlight metallophone , xylophone , drums , and gongs . The term gamelan refers to the instrument / tool , which is a unified whole that is realized and sounded together . Gamelan word itself comes from the Javanese gamel which means hitting / beating , followed by an ending that makes it a noun . Gamelan orchestra mostly found in the island of Java , Madura , Bali , and Lombok in Indonesia in various types of sizes and shapes ensemble . In Bali and Lombok today , and in Java through the 18th century , the term gong is more considered synonymous with gamelan . ( Doc. Source: )Occurrences gamelan preceded by Hindu - Buddhist culture that dominated Indonesia in the early days of recording history , which also represents the original Indonesian art . The instrument was developed to shape up like this in the days of the Majapahit Kingdom . In difference to the music of India , the only impact to the Indian-ness in gamelan music is how menyanikannya . In Javanese mythology , the gamelan dicipatakan by Sang Hyang Guru in Saka era , the god who controlled all the land of Java , with the castle on the mountain Mahendra in Medangkamulan ( now Lawu ) . Sang Hyang Guru first created gong to summon the gods . For more specific message and then create two gongs , and finally formed a set of gamelan . [ Citation needed ]The description of the first ensemble of musical instruments found in the temple of Borobudur , Magelang, Central Java , which has stood since the 8th century . Musical instruments such as bamboo flute , bells , drums in various sizes , lute , a stringed musical instrument that is swiped and learned , is found in the relief. However , little is found elements of metal musical instruments . However , relief of the instrument is said to be the origin of the gamelan .Tuning and manufacture gamelan orchestra is a complex process . Gamelan tuning using four ways , namely slendro , Pelog , " gamelan " ( special area of ​​Sunda , or West Java ) , and " madenda " ( also known as the diatonic , the same as the original minor scale that is widely used in Europe ) .Gamelan music is a combination of the influence of foreign art diverse . Not regard the tone of Chinese , Southeast Asian musical instruments , drum bands and move music from India , bowed strings from the Middle East , Europe and even the military style that we hear on the traditional music of Java and Bali today.The interaction component is loaded with melody , rhythm and timbre of glory maintain a Balinese gamelan orchestra music . The pillars of this music brings together a variety of Balinese rural community character that became the order of the typical music that is an inseparable part of daily life .For Around the area of Central Java and Yogyakarta gamelan usually consists of 2 pangkon ( types ) and Pelog Slendro ie having a different pitch . Slendro is basically approaching the minor tone while Pelog produce tones that tend to approach the diatonic scales . The following set of Javanese gamelan are generally sounded in Central Java in general , including :
1 . kendhangRhythmic drum is a musical instrument ( not pitched ) which controls the rhythm and included in the group " membranofon " is a musical instrument whose sound source is derived from the skin membrane or other material .Mostly drums played by professional gamelan players , who had long dive into Javanese culture . Played drums most appropriate pengendang instinct , so when it is played by the premises of the other people there will be different nuances .According to historical evidence , membranofon group has been popular in Java since the mid- 9th century AD with the name : padahi , pataha ( padaha ) , murawa or muraba , mrdangga , mrdala , muraja , panawa , Kahala , damaru , drums . The term ' padahi ' oldest cemetery inscriptions can be found on the temple which dates to the year 821 AD ( Goris , 1930) . As written in the book of Nagarakrtagama composition MPU prapanca in 1365 AD ( Pigeaud , 1960) , the term continues to be used until the time of Majapahit .The mention of drums with different names indicate various shapes , sizes and materials used , among other things : a small drum , which is depicted in the statue being held by the god , the drums called " damaru " .

2 . RebabTrigon appeared in Java after the Islamic era around the century - 15-16 , an adaptation of the bow of the Arabs who were brought by the propagator of Islam from Arabia and India . Spread in the area of ​​West Java , Central Java and East Java . Fiddle made ​​of wood and covered with a thin skin resonator , has two strings / strings and have the pentatonic scales . Musical instrument that uses a bow and has three or two pieces of string from the strings of metal ( copper ) is his use jackfruit wood ( generally ) and hollow on the inside covered with dried ox skin as loudspeakers .Other traditional musical instrument which has the form Tehyan the fiddle is made ​​of coconut shell resonator , fiddle this type can be found in Jakarta , Java and South KalimantanFor Tengan Java and Yogyakarta , these instruments typically consist of wire -string with two wires stretched on a wooden selajur with heart-shaped body covered with a membrane ( thin skin ) of the Chronicle cow .As one of the leaders of the instrument , fiddle song is recognized as a leader in the ensemble , especially in the style of the beat softly . In most piece - piece , the opening song plays fiddle piece , determine the piece , the barrel , and pathet to be played .Fiddle tone areas include any area of ​​the piece . Then fiddle groove track gives a clear indication street groove track piece . In the majority of the piece , fiddle also gives guidance to the musical ensemble to move from one section to another .
3 . balunganThat wilahan shaped musical instrument ( Java : keys ) with six or seven wilah ( one octave ) superimposed on a wooden frame which also serves as a resonator that is sounded by using wooden percussion .In playing this balungan , right hand hit wilahan / sheet metal with percussion , then left hand punch that struck wilahan previously to eliminate the remaining buzz of beating the previous tone . This technique is called memathet ( basic words : pathet = push )According to the size and function , there are three types of balungan :

a. Demung , these tools are large and middle beroktaf . Balungan demung play a piece in a limited area . Typically , the gamelan has one or two demung . But there gamelan in the palace that has more than two demung .
b . Saron, this tool and medium-sized high beroktaf . Such demung , Sharon plays balungan in a limited area . In engineering wasp - reward returns , two saron play songs intertwined fast tempo . A set of gamelan has two Saron , but there gamelan saron have more than two .
c . Peking , saron Shaped the smallest and highest beroktaf . Sharon panerus or howl plays wasp duplicate or quadruplicate balungan song .
d . Slenthem , According to the construction , including family slenthem gender ; sometimes even he called panembung gender . But slenthem have as many slats slats saron ;He beroktaf lowest in the group of instruments saron ( balungan ) . Such demung and saron barung , slenthem balungan played in a limited area .Slenthem is one of the gamelan instruments consisting of thin sheet metal width is strung with rope and stretched over the tubes and produces a low hum or echo that follows the tone saron , ricik , and balungan when beaten . As with the other instruments in a gamelan set , slenthem certainly have slendro version and version pelog . Wilahan Slenthem Pelog generally have a range of tones C to B , while slenthem slendro has a range of tones C , D , E , G , A , C ' . How to play :How to beat the same as beating slenthem balungan , ricik , or saron . The right hand and left hand bat swinging perform " patet " , ie withstand vibrations that occur in sheet metal . In beating the much needed slenthem instincts or feelings of the musicians to produce an echo or hum good shape . In the notation C , D , E , G , for example , echoes produced when beating tone right C should disappear when the tone sounded D , and so on .For the playing of tempo , which used the same way as it does when using balungan , ricik , and saron . However, for certain circumstances , for example demung returns , then slenthem played to fill the void between balungan tone that sounded slow with beating double knock balungan . Or it could be the slenthem conditions must exist balungan beating half times as balungan was beating fast , such as piece Gangsaran .
4 . BonangThis instrument consists of a set of ten to fourteen small gongs positioned horizontally arranged in two rows , placed on a rope stretched on a wooden frame . Players sit in the middle row on the lower beroktaf gongs , percussion holds elliptic in each hand .There are three kinds of bonang , differentiated by size , region of the octave , and its function in the ensemble . For the Javanese gamelan , bonang here there are 2 types namely barung and Bonang Bonang Successor / penembung
In Central Javanese gamelan there are three types bonang used :a. Bonang panerusis the highest of them , and use the smallest kettle . Generally covers two octaves ( sometimes more in the slendro in Solo - style instruments ) , covering approximately the same range as the saron and peking combined . He plays the fastest rhythms bonang it , wither with each other or playing at twice the speed of bonang barung .
b . Bonang barungwho pitched one octave below the bonang panerus , and also generally covers two octaves , roughly the same class with demung and saron combined . This is one of the most important instruments in the ensemble , as it provides many cues to other players in the gamelan .
c . Bonang Panembungis the lowest tone . It is more common in Yogyakarta gamelan style , covering approximately the same range as slenthem and demung combined . When it comes to style gamelan Solo, may only have one row of six ( slendro ) or seven kettles sounding in the same list with slenthem . It is reserved for the most violent repertoire , usually plays another form of balungan .The part played by bonang bonang panerus barung and more complex than many gamelan instruments , thus , is generally regarded as an instrument to elaborate . Sometimes it plays a melody based balungan , although usually modified in a simple way . However, it could also play a more complex pattern , which is obtained by combining and panerus barung patters , such as alternation of interlocking parts ( yield ) and the interpolation of florid melodic patterns ( have now ) .
5 . kenongKenong an element of gamelan instruments pencon most obese , compared with kempul and gongs that although large but flat-shaped . Kenong is structured in the form pangkon hardwood covered with ropes , so that when struck kenong will not sway to the side but can be swayed to the top down , thus producing sound . Kenong great shape produces a low voice but loud with a distinctive timber ( in the Java community ear ning - nong captured sounds , so called kenong ) . In gamelan , voice kenong fill the sidelines between kempul .Gamelan is the second most important instrument after the gong . Kenong gong split into two or four sentences kenong , or kenongan .In addition to the functional structure of the piece underlines , notes kenong also relate to the song piece , and he could play the same tone with the tone balungan , and may also precede the next balungan tone for the main lead track piece , or it can play a tone within a kempyung balungan tone , to support pathet flavor .In kenongan fast style , the feasibility ayaka , srepegan , and sampak , wasp kenong lead piece - piece groove of the song .
6 . kethukTwo kinds of gong instruments for kenong , horizontal position superimposed on a rope stretched on a wooden frame that serves to give the song groove accents the piece into short sentences .On wasp style fast launch , sampak , srepegan , and sieve sieve , kethuk knock knock sounded at the balungan , generating patterns intertwine fast .
Kethuk - Kempyang
7 .Gambang
The instrument is similar to a family balungan made ​​of slats - wood slats framed in gerobogan which also serves as a resonator .Bladed seventeen to twenty blades , xylophone region covers two octaves or more .Xylophone percussion played with circular shaped with long stalks are usually of horn / sungu / fiber rods bending . In a complete set of gamelan instruments are 3 pieces xylophone , xylophone that slendro , xylophone pelog bem , and xylophone pelog goods . But not a few who comprise only two instruments only . In pelog xylophone , tones 1 and 7 can be adapted to the piece to be played .Most xylophone plays gembyangan ( octave ) in the style of song patterns with steady beats .Xylophone can also play some kind of ornamentation and rhythm tracks , like a game of two tones separated by two slats , or a game of two tones separated by six blades , and a song with rhythm patterns - the syncopated rhythm as in the piece Janturan / Suluk .
8 . genderSame with Kendang , Gender is mostly played by the professional gamelan players , who had long dive into Javanese culture .Instruments similar to the wilahan Slenthem but smaller , consisting of metal blades ( Bronze , Brass or Iron ) tightened the straps on top of tube - tube resonator .This gender -shaped drum played with 2 round ( circled layers of fabric ) with a short stalk .Similarly, Xylophone In a complete set of gamelan instruments there are 3 pieces of Gender , the Gender slendro , bem pelog Gender and Gender pelog goods .In accordance with the function of the song , the tone of the area , and its size , there are two kinds of gender :
a. gender barungGender -sized , low-to- middle beroktaf . One of the leaders of the instrument , gender barung play patterns berketukan steady song ( twisted ) which can create a thick texture and sonority pathet strengthen the sense of the piece .Some piece has an opening that gender played barung ; - piece piece piece is called gender .In the puppet show , the player has the lead role of gender should play an instrument almost never stopped all night in a game piece , sulukan , and grimingan .
Gender Barung
b . gender panerusSmaller gender , beroktaf middle to high . Although the instrument noodles should not exist in the ensemble , its presence adds more wealth kepyek gamelan texture . Gender plays a song in the song pattern of steady and fast beats .
Gender Penerus
The formula for beating the gender comprise less than 12 ways , namely :1 ) wasp gender gembyang mbukak2 ) gender wasp gembyang closed3 ) gender wasp gembyang minggah4 ) wasp gender gembyang mandha5 ) gender wasp kempyung mbukak6 ) gender wasp kempyung closed7 ) gender wasp kempyung minggah8 . ) Wasp gender kempyung mandhap9 ) gender wasp hanger gembyang10 ) gender wasp hanger kempyung11 ) gender wasp mipil12 ) gender wasp returns ( for launch , srepeg , Palaran )
9 . siterZither is played with a plucked instrument , made ​​of a hollow wooden box-shaped stringed . In general, the site has a twelve-tone , ie from left to right : 2 , 3,5,6,1,2,3,5,6,1,2,3 . (samples siter slendro ) .His trademark tone of the strings tuned pelog and other stringed tone slendro . Generally sitar has a length of about 30 cm and put in a box when it is played . Siter played as one of the musical instruments being played together ( panerusan ) , an instrument that plays twisted ( melodic patterns based balungan ) . Zither played with the same speed as the xylophone ( fast tempo ) .How to play it with the thumb , while the other fingers are used to hold the vibration when other plucked strings , this is usually a characteristic of gamelan instruments . Fingers of both hands are used to hold , with the right hand fingers are under the strings while the left finger is above the strings .Siter with various sizes are typical Gamelan instruments Siteran , although it is also used in many other types of gamelan .
10 . kempulKempul is one of the gamelan instruments sounded , usually hung into one device with Gong ( Gong similar to but smaller) with the amount depending on the type of pagelarannya , so not sure . Kempul produce sounds higher than Gong , while the smaller will result in a higher voice .In conjunction with the song piece , kempul can play the same tone with the tone balungan ; kempul sometimes precedes the next balungan tone ; sometimes he plays the tones that make up the interval kempyung balungan tone , to assert a sense of pathet .
11 . flute sulingBamboo flute that plays songs in the patterns of free -style song metric . This tool played alternately , usually at the time of the song approached suffix sentence or sometimes - sometimes played on short songs in the beginning or in the middle of a sentence song .
12 . gongA noun that refers to the origin of the sound of things , the word refers specifically gong gong hung in a vertical position , large or medium -sized , beaten in the middle of bundarannya ( pencu ) with upholstered round drum .Gong marks the beginning and ending the piece and gives a sense of balance after the passage of a long sentence piece song .
Seperangkat Gong (termasuk Kempul)
Gong is very important to mark the end of the song the basic unit of the group , so the group itself ( ie sentences between two wasps song gong ) is called gong . There are two kinds of gongs :a. Gong AgengLarge hanging gongs , drums played to mark the beginning and the ending track basic groups ( gong ) piece .

b . Gong suwukanMedium-sized hanging gong , sounded to mark the piece is structured short suffix , such as launch , srepegan , and sampak .
13 . keprakKeprak is a sheet-shaped instrument made ​​of bronze or iron with a size of approximately 20 x 27 cm , comprising several plates , given the hole at the top and a piece of rope , hung on the puppet box with the order such that when in time will lead to sound effect " crunch -crunch " .In Surakarta mat puppet genre , consisting of at least 3 pieces of practicality , there are 4 pieces and 5 pieces . As for practicality pakeliran Yogyakarta Style consists of a slab of iron are in landasi with size wooden keprak , beaten with iron cempala legs pinned by a puppeteer resulting effect a "ting - ting " .In order to produce a good sound keprak a puppeteer must know the techniques put practicality and engineering practicality with good rang . Keprak in pakeliran usually to accompany the puppet movements and to solidified solah ( motion ) puppet . Surakarta leather puppeteer genre nowadays prefer practicality made ​​of white iron sheets in combination with some bronze keprak several pieces , which believed to have a louder sound effects .
More or less as described above set of gamelan in Java , especially Central Java and Yogyakarta . As for who has not been mentioned as Tambour / drum is an instrument in performances Supplement . Feedback from colleagues highly anticipated blog .

Angklung music Typical Traditional Arts of West Java

Who does not know the angklung . Angklung is not only known in tatar Pasundan , but already menasional , even internationally . More recently , in the United States recently deployed play the angklung , involving many people , including those Caucasians . In fact , some time ago as well , Malaysia , our neighboring country , so kesengsrem with this one musical instrument that branded him as a musical instrument originating from its own country .
Traditional Musical Instruments and Being Pride
Angklung is a traditional musical instrument which became the pride of London society in particular , and West Java in general . The raw materials are used to make bamboo angklung . Angklung itself of many kinds , ranging from Baduy Angklung , Angklung gubrag , Angklung dogdog lojor , and Angklung Badeng . Type of bamboo which is usually used to make musical instruments are bamboo black and white bamboo ( awi friend ) .
Angklung Daeng was first discovered by Sutigma around 1938. When beginning this angklung only limited use for the benefit of local and traditional arts . The resulting sounds very melodious too , have scales like do-re - mi - fa - sol - la - si - du and da -mi - na - ti - la - da , so angklung too fast growing in his journey . Until finally angklung performance is no longer local , but national and even international already .
How many players ? Angklung game itself can involve a lot of people , to 50 people . Angklung game can be combined with other instruments such as organ , piano , guitar , drums , and so forth . Interestingly the angklung but can be used for art tool can also be used for souvenirs or fruit after hand decorated with a variety of other accessories .
Udjo Ngalagena
Like the other traditional musical instrument , angklung will be empowered if not disappear easily eroded times . Fortunately there is concern Udjo Ngalagena in the development of techniques based on barrel - barrel game pelog , salendro and madenda , and began to teach it to a lot of people from diverse communities .
In fact , Mang Udjo - familiar greeting - up to make the center of the manufacture and development of angklung art creations he calls the " Saung Mang Angkung Udjo residing in Padasuka Cicaheum , Bandung .