Last week we asked readers for their predictions of life in 100 years time. Inspired by ten 100-year predictions made by American civil engineer John Elfreth Watkins in 1900, many of you wrote in with your vision of the world in 2112.Many of the "strange, almost impossible" predictions made by Watkins came true. Here is what futurologists Ian Pearson (IP) and Patrick Tucker (PT) think of your ideas.
1. Oceans will be extensively farmed and not just for fish (Jim 300)
IP: Likelihood 10/10. We will need to feed 10 billion people and nature can't keep up with demand, so we will need much more ocean farming for fish. But algae farming is also on the way for renewable energy, and maybe even for growth of feedstock (raw materials) or resource extraction via GM seaweed or algae.
PT: Good chance. According to Dennis Bushnell, chief scientist at the Nasa Langley Research Center, saltwater algae that's been genetically modified to absorb more nitrogen from the air than conventional algae could free up to 68% of the fresh water that is now tied up in conventional agriculture. This water could go to thirsty populations. Read more
Thursday, September 27, 2012
20 Top Predictions for Life 100 years from Now
Are Parnormal Skeptics Conducting a Modern-Day Witch Hunt?
Once upon a time, the great and the good, usually men of the cloth, hunted and persecuted women who were believed to have mystical powers. Today, the great and the good, usually men of science, go after women who don’t have mystical powers but who claim to. Decent society once hounded witches; now it hounds pseudo-witches.
So it is with Sally Morgan, otherwise known as “Psychic Sally”, former adviser on supernatural matters to Princess Diana, self-styled communicator with the dead, and now hate-figure-in-chief to the rationalist, sceptical set. Judging from the slurry of ridicule dumped on Morgan by certain writers and activists over the past year, you could be forgiven for thinking she was single-handedly responsible for the spread of stupidity in modern Britain. She “preys” on her “vulnerable audiences”, we are told, talking “a load of crystal balls”, making the “gullible” and “lonely” believe in stuff that isn’t true. Some serious science writers even want to institute annual Sally-bashing get-togethers for clever, scientifically minded people, to which Morgan will be invited, so that she can perform her tricks, but obviously she won’t turn up and then she can be mocked even more! What larks! Read more
UFO Contact in Argentina: The Amelia Case
On February 4, 1988 a strange circle measuring over a meter and a half in diameter, covered in fungi, was found at a private residence located across from the Miguel Lillo Park of the city of Necochea. The grass within the circle was much darker and overgrown than usual.
Mr. Basilio Lichowski, 63, noticed the strange circle in his summer home. “The first thing that surprised me was to see toadstools at this time of the year. Nothing like it had ever happened before, and I tore one out to show my wife, who pointed out how strange it all was.”
The perfect outline of the circle should be stressed. According to Lichowski himself, “it’s as though someone had used a compass to draw it.”
The couple has spent summers in Necochea for over 20 years. They reported no strange sounds in the night, nor did anything unusual attract their attention. But things weren’t over yet. Read more
The Lies of Fatima
In the last two centuries, the Church has made apparitions of the Virgin Mary an evermore important part of the Christian religious experience and doctrine. Some critics argue the popularity of the Catholic Faith is largely maintained by the popularity of the Virgin Mary. The so-called “Marian Era”, i.e. the period when the Virgin Mary began to appear and offer messages to those that saw her, began in the early 19th century, with a series of apparitions, of which Lourdes is no doubt the most famous. But the most intriguing apparition occurred in the early 20th century, in the Portuguese hamlet of Fatima.
The Virgin Mary is said to have appeared at Fatima six times, starting on May 13, 1917, with a final apparition on October 13, 1917, when she performed a great sun miracle, “which all shall see so that they may believe”. On the second or third apparition, the three young witnesses were allegedly given three secrets by the Virgin Mary. Two secrets were revealed in subsequent years, but the so-called “Third Secret of Fatima” was kept secret by the Vatican for almost a century. As a result, there was endless speculation about the nature and its importance. Rightfully so, as the Second Secret was linked with major political events of the 20th century. But what if all of these “secrets” were fabricated by the Vatican, for political and religious reasons?
The Secrets of the Virgin Read more
How to Report Paranormal Activity
Reporting paranormal activity is a touchy subject in an evolving society where some folks want the experiences to just go away and some seem to enjoy the intrusion and actually promote its continuation.
The paranormal is never black or white - but the two extremes might be a family who has encountered odd circumstances in a new residence and have actually become afraid of the events - to a more public venue like a restaurant or hotel which seems to draw patrons who choose to get up close to those seemingly otherworldly events. Read more
The Myth of Million Dollar Challenge
For ten years, the modern skeptical movement has wielded a cudgel against claims of the paranormal: the James Randi Million Dollar Challenge. In many debates over the possibility of psi abilities, the Challenge provides a final word for one side... [Randi's Million] "has so-and-so applied for the Challenge?" The financial reward offered by the James Randi Educational Foundation is seen by many skeptics as providing an irresistible motivation for anybody with paranormal ability - after all, if someone could genuinely exhibit such powers, surely they would step forward to take the million?
However, after ten years, the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) says nobody has even got past their preliminary testing. Furthermore, none of the 'big fish' - medium John Edward, spoon-bender Uri Geller, psychic Sylvia Browne - have applied (although Sylvia Browne did accept James Randi's direct challenge on Larry King Live, without going any further). And now, perhaps as a result of that fact, James Randi has announced that the Challenge will come to an end in two years, on March 6th, 2010.
But does the challenge really make a statement about the existence of the paranormal and/or psi abilities? According to paranormal investigator Loyd Auerbach (who, like Randi, is a member of the magic fraternity): Read more
Nessie Sonar Sighting Wins £1000 Prize
A sonar image of a large mystery object deep below the surface of Loch Ness has netted boat skipper Marcus Atkinson the Best Nessie Sighting of The Year Award — the first time in several years it has been presented by bookmaker William Hill.
The photograph, claimed by at least one seasoned Nessie spotter to the conclusive evidence of a creature, was a late contender in the contest which has been dormant following several lean years of close encounters with the loch’s most famous resident.
However, 2011 proved to be a bumper year with three “good” sightings reported to the Official Loch Ness Monster Fan Club which first launched the competition in conjunction with the bookmaker in the 1990s. Read more
Did Otherworldly Music Inspire Stonehenge?
Five thousand years ago, so the legend goes, two pipers played in a field while a circle of merry maidens danced around them. Then they all turned to stone, leaving Stonehenge to mystify us for millennia. Other theories about the stone circle's purpose include an alien observatory, a burial site and an acoustic stadium.
Here at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Vancouver, Canada, archaeoacoustician Steven Waller - an independent researcher based in La Mesa, California - threw yet another idea into the mix. The stone circle, he says, may have been inspired by an auditory illusion that occurs when two identical instruments, such as pipes, play the same note at the same time. A person walking in a circle around the pipers hears the note's volume decrease at certain points where the two sound waves collide and cancel one another out. At these spots, it sounds as though a giant pillar is blocking the sound. Read more
Nicholas Cage Inspired by Alchemy and Shamanism
Earth’s history is rich with alchemists—Albertus Magnus, Hermes Trismegistus, Nicolas Flamel, Isaac Newton, Aleister Crowley, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Paracelsus, John Dee, Terrence McKenna and even Carl Jung. Alchemy was a proto-science that paved the way for modern science (chemistry, modern medicine, physics) but also had a spiritual, shamanistic aspect.
This is not to say that alchemists and shamans were and are officially coterminous, only that they both aspire to a better understanding of existence through various means: mysticism, magic, study, and drugs (which we know shamans have done, though whether Alchemists ever did is uncertain). In fact, McKenna attempted to synthesize alchemy with shamanism in various lectures, and described alchemists as pursuing a “magical theory of nature” (like Shamans) in the film “The Alchemical Dream.”
What does any of this have to do with Nicolas Cage? Well, it seems that Cage dabbles in alchemical and shamanistic techniques. Read more
Has Spring-Heeled Jack Returned?
Spring-heeled Jack, the legendary bogeyman familiar to students of British folklore, has been invoked by news of an extraordinary experience with a road ghost in Surrey.
Scott Martin and his family told the Surrey Comet they were confronted by a ‘dark figure with no features’ that vaulted over a dual carriageway and over a 15ft bank whilst on a taxi ride home late on Tuesday, 14 February.
The experience left Scott, his wife and four-year-old son Sonny shocked whilst the taxi-driver ‘admitted he didn’t want to drive back alone’ along the Ewell bypass near Epsom afterwards. Read more
Dog-Headed Pig Monster Sighted In Namibia
Some say it's a witch doctor, a warlock, or a work of black magic. Others say it's a hybrid animal somewhere between a dog and a pig. But whatever it is, residents in Namibia are saying the strange creature they've seen wreaking havoc on their villages is nothing they've ever encountered before, according to the website Life's Little Mysteries. Read more
Astral Travel and Lucid Dreaming
Does the Spear of Destiny Actually Exist?
A spear with a mystical background gives the one wielding it powers to bend the destiny of the world to his or her will. It sounds like a Dungeons and Dragons campaign, but truth is far more bizarre in this case, as the legend of the Spear of Destiny contains a poison pill clause — once the spear leaves the possession of a ruler, the individual dies within a matter of days.
Kings and dictators sought out a legendary spear that pierced the heart of Jesus of Nazareth, deemed the Spear of Destiny, with several different artifacts laying claim to the name over the centuries. Are any of the relics real? Is there any hope that the authentic Spear of Destiny is floating around somewhere? Read more
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Chupacabras Blamed for Sheep Deaths in Mexico
Did a legendary chupacabras kill 35 sheep in the Mexican town of Paracuaro? That's what local citizens want to know as they ponder the mysterious deaths of their farm animals.
According to the UFO Chronicles website, the Mexican state Michoacan's Diario ABC reported that the unfortunate sheep were slain in the wee hours of March 1 with their bodies displaying claw and tooth injuries, especially under the neck.
One man who was looking after the sheep in their pens said he saw the creature responsible for the attacks. He reportedly said it had fangs, claws and wings. Read more
Hawking Is Spreading Disinformation Says Former Canadian Minister of Defense
Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of Defense is an outspoken man who has no doubts UFOs are real alien spaceship.
Over the years he has made a number of public interviews and expressed his concern about a future intergalactic war.
Hellyer has also shown his disappointment in Stephen Hawking who according to Hellyer is spreading disinformation about extraterrestrial life.
In an interview on MSNBC, Paul Hellyer stated the U.S. Government has been hiding evidence of extraterrestrials for a very long time. He also said that we might be on the verge of an intergalactic war.
Hellyer fears that if the U.S. military builds a base on the Moon, they will be able to better observe alien spaceships and shoot at them whenever they decide.
Hellyer also points out that there is no evidence to assume that aliens are hostile. Read more
Physician Encounters Spirit Communication, Becomes a Medium
Interview with London physician Dr. Ian Rubenstein reveals how one doctor’s encounter with psychic phenomena led to Spiritualist Church mediumship.
Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with Dr. Ian Rubenstein author of, CONSULTING SPIRIT: A Doctor’s Experience with Practical Mediumship. During the interview Rubenstein discusses how he struggled to understand his psychic abilities: Read more
UFO Caught on Tape over Santiago Air Base
Is this the case UFO skeptics have been dreading?
Sightings of mysterious flying craft with capabilities unknown on Earth have confounded mankind throughout recorded history. Most have been convincingly explained away as unfamiliar aircraft, natural phenomena or illusions. But then there are the others, witnessed in our time by pilots and air traffic controllers, military leaders, scientists, law enforcement officers and other trained observers, sometimes with physical evidence, including corroboration on film and video. Read more
Buried UFO? Big Metal Object Found In Austria
An Austrian farmer looking for his lost cat stumbled upon a hole that he thinks might contain the greatest UFO find of all time.
Franz Knoglinger, 47, found the 25-foot-deep, perfectly round hole in northwestern Austrian field while searching for his misplaced kitty Sunday night. He pulled out every investigative trick in the book to learn what was at the bottom.
Throw a rock down the hole? Check.
"I was looking for our family cat Murlimann when I noticed the hole -- I didn't know how deep it was then so I dropped the stone down there, and heard a metallic clunk," he told the Austrian Times. Read more
The Legend of the Golem of Lauderdale
Miami Paranormal received this letter from a person who wishes to remain anonymous. While not 100% certain as to what this person saw, it is our opinion that the creature described is a Golem. If that is true then it is very exciting news because this would mean the legend of the golem is true. The Golem is an old Jewish folklore legend that tells of a creature made of clay or mud that is brought to life. Probably the most famous tale is the Golem of Prague.
“I have held off telling anybody about this for some time, at least two months. It was an experience that frightened me, and moreover, I thought I was crazy, and thought everyone would think the same. Well, I don’t have a problem with being crazy, but I don’t want to be THAT kind of crazy. This is often attributed to UFO’s but I have become convinced otherwise, largely by my own intuition and gut feeling. I keep going over this over and over again, but I cannot entertain the possibility that this was a figment of my imagination. I did not dream this during a drowsy spell behind the wheel of my truck. Read more
Is That Flashing Light in This Hip-Hop Video a UFO?
The 6 Most Famous Alien Abductions
Some say alien abductions are nothing more than fevered, unexplained night visions that make their victims believe they were the guinea pig of an interstellar joyride.
Others believe the stories as cold hard fact, that aliens are using humans to unlock all of the mysteries of the universe, which may or may not have something to do with an ultrasound probe in an uncomfortable place.
Either way, it seems that this strange phenomenon is forever ingrained in our culture. Some of the most infamous cases of UFO abductions have spawned books, films and even serious historical recognition. So since today is “Alien Abduction Day,” we look back at some of those cases that made us scratch our heads as we looked up at the stars. Read more
Was There a Second Roswell?
…and we looked down and saw these things and I said to myself — it just didn’t register to me. And then all of the sudden I realized what we had seen and I just couldn’t believe it, you know, like it was not happening. And yet it was happening, like it was a dream.” - Irwin FortmanIt’s probably the most discussed UFO event of our time, and has been a source of ongoing controversy even amongst UFO researchers through the years. But is it possible the now-famous incident at the Roswell Air Force Base in July of 1947, where witnesses claimed to have encountered the wreckage of one or more crashed UFO's in the New Mexico desert, was followed just a few months later by a similar incident? As unlikely as that might seem, I’d simply invite the reader to consider the following facts before making up their mind. Read more
After Almost 40 Years Ex-Military Pilot Reveals Close UFO Encounter
On the night of Feb. 6, 1975, Marine Reserve Squadron Capt. Larry Jividen was piloting a T-39D Sabreliner (see image above) combat trainer and utility aircraft with five Naval officer pilots on board for a special training flight. He didn't know the evening would evolve into a game of "tag" with an unidentified flying object.
Jividen hasn't spoken about that experience from nearly 40 years ago -- until now.
The nine-year Marine Corps officer -- and later commercial airline pilot -- had taken off at twilight for a two-hour roundtrip that began and ended at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla. Read more
The Big Muddy Monster
Around midnight on June 25, 1973, a young couple was parked by a desolate riverside for a romantic interlude when they came face to face with a huge, wet, hairy, mud-slathered monstrosity with a penchant for disturbing teenage lovers.
During two harrowing weeks in the summer of 1973, the rural town of Murphysboro, Illinois became the epicenter of a terrifying series of encounters with a huge, albino beast, which would come to be known as the “Murphysboro Mud Monster” or the “Big Muddy Monster.” Read more
Did the Mayans Have Contact with ETs?
The ancient Mayans had contact with alien visitors who left behind evidence of their existence, according to a new Mexican documentary.
Sundance winner Juan Carlos Rulfo's Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond is currently in production for release next year to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar, reports the Wrap.
Producer Raul Julia-Levy said the documentary-makers were working in cooperation with the Mexican government for what he said was "the good of mankind". He said the order to collaborate had come directly from the country's president, Álvaro Colom Caballeros.
"Mexico will release codices, artefacts and significant documents with evidence of Mayan and extraterrestrial contact, and all of their information will be corroborated by archaeologists," he said. "The Mexican government is not making this statement on their own – everything we say, we're going to back it up." Read more
Israeli Scientists Search for Gateway to Hell
It's an ancient legend: Located in scattered areas of Earth are openings, doorways, gates, if you will, to some unseen underworld, also variously referred to as hell, Hades and Dante's Inferno.
Researchers exploring the famous Twins Cave outside of Jerusalem have uncovered evidence of some pagan rituals, dating back to the Roman Empire, that suggest people may have believed the cave was a portal to this underworld.
Bar-Ilan University archaeologists found 42 clay lamps -- dating to the late Roman period -- in a 70-foot-long vertical shaft inside the cave. It's speculated that the lamps may have been used in ancient rituals between the 2nd and 4th century C.E., to supposedly guide the Greek goddess Demeter into Hades to search for her missing daughter. Read more
Hunting Bigfoot in Florida
A Bigfoot's howl is multidimensional: a deep and undulating whoop that starts low and ends in a high, feral squeal or resolves completely, like a siren. The first time I unleashed one, while crouching on a bluff overlooking the eastern bank of the Apalachicola River, Matt Moneymaker — who, moments earlier, had loosed a robust, commanding shriek that echoed cleanly through the valley — responded with a hearty guffaw.
“I have a cold,” I mumbled by way of an excuse. It was nearly 2 a.m., and we were huddled in the dark in Torreya State Park near Bristol, on the Florida Panhandle. My craggy, toadlike holler did not yield a response. Read more
New Jersey Couple Sues over Haunted House
This New Jersey couple is suing their landlord alleging that their landlord rented them a house that is very haunted. Michele Callan and Josue Chinchilla are suing over their $2,250. They left the home on March 11, 2012 claiming they were in “in mortal danger” if they returned. The owner of the house Dr. Richard Lopez who is an orthodontist is counter suing claiming that the house is not haunted and that his tenants are just trying to get out of their monthly rental payments and lease.
“Frankly, there is something else going on,” Lopez’s lawyer David Semanchik told the Asbury Park Press. “She is a single mom, she has this fiance living with her. I think she is in over her head and she can’t afford the rent." Read more
Cat People, Strippers, and Telekinesis: Tales from Alien Abductees
Alien abductions make for a good sci-fi plot devices, but it's easy to forget that we walk among people -- in the real world -- who claim to have been visited, beamed up and probed by little gray men.
New York photographer Steven Hirsch, 63, has met many of these people face to face. He visited this year's International UFO Conference to meet, photograph and interview people who avow close contact with extraterrestrials. Read more
Is Nessie a Monster or a Ghost?
No less than 250 million years ago, massive and violent changes in the Earth’s crust carved a gigantic rift across a specific area of the landscape of Scotland, which has since become known as the Great Glen. Over countless millennia, the huge, basin-like Glen began to fill with water, and eventually transformed much of the country into an area populated by countless lakes – or lochs, as they are known to the Scots.
And, without doubt, the most famous and mysterious of all those many and varied bodies of water is Loch Ness, the dark and mysterious abode of the legendary long-necked monster dubbed Nessie. In excess of twenty miles long, nearly a mile wide, more than seven hundred feet deep and home to the famous Urquhart Castle – the origins of which date back to the 6th Century - Loch Ness is a distinctly eerie and magical place. Read more
Mayan Calendar Re-Calibrated to Beyond 2012
Archaeologists have found a stunning array of 1,200-year-old Maya paintings in a room that appears to have been a workshop for calendar scribes and priests, with numerical markings on the wall that denote intervals of time well beyond the controversial cycle that runs out this December.
For years, prophets of doom have been saying that we're in for an apocalypse on Dec. 21, 2012, because that marks the end of the Maya "Long Count" calendar, which was based on a cycle of 13 intervals known as "baktuns," each lasting 144,000 days. But the researchers behind the latest find, detailed in the journal Science and an upcoming issue of National Geographic, say the writing on the wall runs counter to that bogus belief. Read more
Ghosts Pole Dance?
Wendy Reardon doesn’t just see dead people. She pole dances for them.
The Boston dance instructor says her Boylston Street studio, Gypsy Rose, is haunted by multiple ghosts who come out while she’s working the pole. Wendy will tell her tale of supernatural stripping on the Biography Channel’s “My Ghost Story” Saturday night. Read more
Former Army Colonel: UFO Witnesses Need Amnesty
If you're in the military and have ever seen what you believe to be a UFO, but were reluctant to mention it for fear of ridicule or, worse, repercussions that might end your career, take heart. Things may change.
A former military insider with top secret clearance who created Advanced Theoretical Physics -- a group of top-level government officials and scientists brought together to study UFO reports -- has just called on three of the highest-ranking military and intelligence officials in the Obama administration.
Retired Army Col. John Alexander has one goal: to ask Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus and National Intelligence Director Gen. James Clapper to offer amnesty to anyone in the military who has been previously sworn to secrecy about UFOs. Read more
Remote Viewing Solves Murder
When practitioners of paranormal “remote viewing” gather here in June, they will enjoy a little more swagger than in the past.
Last year, a California court convicted a swindler of murder in a case that was solved partly, the lead police investigator said, with the help of remote viewing, a type of extrasensory perception (ESP) that was studied by the U.S. military starting in the 1970s as a way to gather intelligence. Read more
Real Stories of Men in Black
When "Men in Black 3" opens everywhere over Memorial Day weekend, most moviegoers will just be hoping this sequel matches the original for popcorn-munching fun.
But there are many people who say they've been victimized by and live in fear of real MIBs. And those stories, told for decades, are just as terrifying as they are detailed.
Ever since the early 1950s, long before the first "Men in Black" movie hit the silver screen in 1997, men dressed in identical black suits, hats and sunglasses, claiming to be government agents, have reportedly shown up in black cars at the homes or offices of people who reported UFO sightings.
According to those who were paid these unwelcome visits, the MIBs threatened or harassed the eyewitnesses into staying quiet about their UFO encounters. Read more
Aliens Won't Want to Enslave Us, Says World-Famous Alien Hunter
Astronomer Jill Tarter – who stepped down earlier this week as director of the SETI Institute – said today (May 24, 2012) that she disagrees with those who depict extraterrestrials as angry warriors ready to enslave us, or eat us. In a press release from the SETI Institute, announcing their June 2012 SETIcon, Tarter said: Read more
Are There Aliens on the Moon?
Paul Davies and Robert Wagner report seeing five UFOs on moon in mid April 2012 according to testimony supplied from These astronomers are affiliated with Arizona State University. released this discovery on 12 May 2012.
Astronomers Paul Davies and Robert Wagner had proposed a search for alien evidence on the surface of the moon in 2011. These astronomers had believed that a detailed study of thousands of photographs taken by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter might reveal such evidence.
“If it costs little to scan data for signs of intelligent manipulation, little is lost in doing so, even though the probability of detecting alien technology at work may be exceedingly low,” they said. Read more
How to Make a Powerful Love Potion
Pint-size Mason jar
Love-drawing herbs/roots, such as:
- Catnip - Used to captivate your lover with your special ways and to capture his or her heart.
- Damiana - Used to draw a new lover, to intensify sexual passion, or to bring back a straying lover.
- Juniper berries - Used to increase virility in men, enhance sensuality in women, and attract physical love.
- Lovage - Used to attract a lover of the opposite gender for romance and sexual passion.
- Senna leaf - Used to draw love from someone unaware of your interest.
- Calamus - Used to control situation or to dominate a specific person.
- Cubeb berries - Used to control a lover and to increase sexual heat.
- Licorice - Used to gain power over others and control them.
Red lodestone (optional)
Love/sex oils, such as Attraction, Come to Me, or Love Drawing
Atomizer or spray bottle
Soak two love-drawing herbs or roots and one controlling herb/root that best suit your purpose in a pint-size Mason jar of Florida Water for a month. Use about two tablespoons of each herb. Adding a lodestone to the mixture will make it more potent.
After a month, on a full moon, you will masturbate yourself to climax and capture your semen, vaginal fluids, or menstrual blood in a small container to add to the mixture.
Before you begin masturbating, strain off the liquid in which you have the herbs and lodestone soaking into an atomizer or spray bottle. Next, visualize what you want to happen when you wear the potion. See yourself in the throes of sexual passion, and if love is also the object, visualize and feel the emotions the two of you will have. Then masturbate, building up to the edge of orgasm and backing off several times. When you finally are ready to climax, recall your visualization and bring yourself to orgasm.
Add your sexual fluids and the appropriate love/sex oils (one teaspoon each). To use the potion, simply shake well and mist yourself before dressing. Be sure to hit the hot spots like behind the ears, the neck, breast/chest, behind the knees, and of course down below if you are anticipating oral sex. Naturally since this potion is alcohol based, use sparingly around sensitive areas.
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What Is at the Bottom of the Baltic Sea?
Sceptics expected that a deep-water dive would debunk the slew of extra-terrestrial theories surrounding an unidentified object sitting at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.
But the Swedish expedition team that took the plunge surfaced with more questions than answers - and certainly no solution to its origins.
The divers found that the object, which some have likened to the Millennium Falcon because of its unusual round outline, was raised about 10 to 13ft above the seabed and curved in at the sides, giving it a mushroom shape. Read more
Update: Travis Walton UFO Incident Witness Steve Pierce
Do It Yourself Ghost Hunting: Getting Started
Ghost hunting is generally not something hard to get into, and can be relatively cheap. Beginners basically need a few items to get under way and you can find them anywhere, including your home. The most important item would be a standard digital camera. Now, you don’t need to go all out and buy an expensive camera like a Canon PowerShot, most pictures that have evidence are from cameras that you can buy at any department store for a relatively cheap price. Read more
Remember That "UFO" at the Bottom of the Baltic Sea?
The divers exploring a 'UFO-shaped' object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea say their equipment stops working when they approach within 200m.
Professional diver Stefan Hogerborn, part of the Ocean X team which is exploring the anomaly, said some of the team's cameras and the team's satellite phone would refuse to work when directly above the object, and would only work once they had sailed away.
He is quoted as saying: 'Anything electric out there – and the satellite phone as well – stopped working when we were above the object. Read more
Is SETI at Risk of Downloading a Malicious Virus from Outer Space?
We take it for granted that the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) is a safe endeavor. Seriously, what could possibly go wrong with passively searching for interstellar radio signals? Unfortunately, the answer is quite a lot –- especially if the incoming signal contains something malicious, like a computer virus or Trojan horse.
And according to the experts, this isn't just idle speculation – the threat is very real. So, just how concerned to we need to be? Read more
How Much Does Your Soul Weigh?
For at least 100 years, the more oddball branches of science have struggled to answer this metaphysical head-scratcher: How much does the human soul weigh?
In 1907, a Massachusetts doctor named Duncan MacDougall settled on the figure of 21 grams – the average weight loss experienced by six terminal tuberculosis patients he strapped to a scale at the moment of death.
A dozen years ago, an Oregon rancher named Lew Hollander tried to measure the souls of one ram, seven ewes, three lambs and a goat. His findings: The animals actually gained weight as they shook off this mortal coil – anywhere from 18 to 780 grams. Read more
"Britain's Atlantis" Found at the Bottom of the North Sea
‘Britain’s Atlantis’ – a hidden underwater world swallowed by the North Sea – has been discovered by divers working with science teams from the University of St Andrews.
Doggerland, a huge area of dry land that stretched from Scotland to Denmark was slowly submerged by water between 18,000 BC and 5,500 BC.
Divers from oil companies have found remains of a ‘drowned world’ with a population of tens of thousands – which might once have been the ‘real heartland’ of Europe. Read more
Roswell UFO Was Not of This Earth and There Were ET Cadavers: Ex-CIA Agent Says
Happy anniversary, Roswell, N.M. It was 65 years ago today that the Roswell Daily Record blasted an infamous headline claiming local military officials had captured a flying saucer on a nearby ranch. And now, a former CIA agent says it really happened.
"It was not a damn weather balloon -- it was what it was billed when people first reported it," said Chase Brandon, a 35-year CIA veteran. "It was a craft that clearly did not come from this planet, it crashed and I don't doubt for a second that the use of the word 'remains' and 'cadavers' was exactly what people were talking about." Read more
New British X-Files Reveal Secret Search to Weaponize Alien Technology
Newly released X-Files from the United Kingdom's National Archives reveal the role of that country's Ministry of Defense UFO Desk officers, what they actually thought about possible alien visits to Earth and their ideas on harnessing alien technology as a weapon.
There are 25 files, comprising more than 6,700 pages, that include UFO policy, parliamentary questions, media issues, public correspondence and, of course, UFO sighting reports. Overall, more than 10,000 UFO reports came through the special Ministry of Defense unit from 1950 to 2009.
"These are probably the most fascinating and bizarre government files ever made available to the public," said Nick Pope, who was the UFO Desk officer from 1991 to 1994. Read more
Bizarre Booms and Weird Noises
Australia's Secret UFO Files Released
It is probably the closest Australia has come to scrambling fighter jets to intercept a UFO.
Documents that have just become available under the 30-year rule at the National Archives of Australia reveal how two RAAF Mirage jets were placed on the second highest level of alert to determine the cause of unidentified radar contacts seen on screens at Mascot.
The ''X Files'' viewed in Canberra also give details of other unexplained sightings, some of which are supported by witness statements to police. Read more
Monday, September 24, 2012
Past Life Regression or PLR
At present, there is little evidence on past life. To prove its validity, some experts in the field introduced past life regression. The details you can obtain from the process shows that there is truth behind the beliefs. Are you familiar with hypnosis? Through hypnosis, your past life can be determined. It’s already very popular in the different countries around the world.
Hypnosis can touch your unconscious mind and this is a very effective way to withdraw information about your past life. Your past life memories are not accessible through your conscious mind because recollections are often stored in the unconscious. The therapist will simply ask questions and the subject (you) will answer all the questions. Responses are noted by the therapist because once the subject is no longer under hypnosis, he or she will not remember any of the responses.
It doesn’t really matter whether you believe in past life or not. When you undergo hypnosis for past life regression, you’re also benefiting from it. You see, some people suffering from a certain ailment or problem can find answers through past life regression. After the sessions with the therapist, they were able to find out the true cause of the problem or ailment and later resolved them.
Past life regression is also called PLR for short. Here are true examples of two individuals who tried PLR.
A man is complaining about his anxiety problems. After PLR, he found the cause of his anxiety. According to the responses he made to the therapist, he was a King in his past life. He was standing on a tower and looking down to his troops. They were about to go to war and he was leading them. It seems that the anxiousness started at this point of his past life. He was anxious about the war and this may also be the cause of his anxiety at present. It’s up to you whether you will believe that he was a king or not.
Another example is a man who suffers from neck and throat problems. During the PLR session, it was discovered that the man died from hanging. Later, his neck injuries and throat infections were cured. The man believed that his past life was true because he was able to solve his problem and now, he is living a more comfortable life, free from any health conditions.
Oftentimes, it can be really hard to believe that people have past lives. Whether you believe in PLR or not, there is no harm in trying it out. Find a therapist in your area who specializes in hypnosis and past life regression especially if you have a problem that you can’t solve. Who knows, perhaps you may be able to find the needed answers. Try searching the internet for PLR informational sources. You can learn a great deal about it. Why don’t you try it out and see if it really works?
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Are you ready to elevate your level of reality by uncovering the mysteries that make up the events of your past life? Power Past Life Regression was created By world-renowned hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, Power PLR is designed to help you discover how your past lives are affecting everything that makes up what your life ts today. Click Here!
The Elixir of Youth: A Powerful Spell for Regaining a Youthful Appearance

You will need the following items for the spell: a glass of water, a saucer, a white candle, and a photo of yourself at the age you want to appear to be (Think carefully about this: if you're 50 years old, do you really want to look like a 20-year old?)
Fill the glass of water and cover with the saucer. Before noon, stand the glass on a window sill, facing south (or north if you are south of the equator). Do this only if the day is sunny. At midnight on a full moon, light a white candle. Put the glass of water on the right hand side of the candle. Take the photo and look steadily at it. Believe with all your heart that you can recapture this youthful appearance. Then speak out loud slowly and forcefully;
The Fountain of Youth I behold.Then look up and visualize a fountain of pure, sparkling water. Imagine it is the magical fountain of youth. Picture yourself standing before this fountain and see its waters immersing you completely. See and feel the magical force of this water washing away all age and fatigue and bringing physical power, vitality, and youthfulness. Bathe yourself in this magical fountain of youth for 5-10 minutes. Next, take the photo and place it to the left of the candle. Hold the glass of water up before your eyes and say;
From it I shall drink with confidence and with faith.
Change and transform my mind, spirit, and body
So that I may again be young, carefree and bold,
And enjoy physical power, vitality, and youthfulness once more.
Oh, Elixir of Youth,Drink the water. The ritual is now complete.
Let your magic power renew me.
In your power I trust.
I drink in belief;
I drink in certainty.
Youthfulness, to me return.
So mote it be.
Do this spell for three consecutive nights. Repeat the spell every full moon until your appearance matches the age that you appear to be in the photo. The more years you're trying to take off of your appearance, the longer it will take to reach your goal. After you reach your goal appearance, repeat the spell every three months to maintain it. If you stop doing the spell, your appearance will gradually return to your true age.
Have you ever wondered how some people have such good luck, and get such good results in their lives, as if by magic? The Witchcraft Secret Manual is a foolproof technique, that let novices to use the great power of White Magic to their advantage. To find out more, click here!
Is Consciousness Connected to the Fine Structure of the Universe?
On March 27 I interviewed Dr. Stuart Hameroff of the Center for Consciousness Studies of the University of Arizona. Here is an edited transcript of that interview.DEEPAK: It's my pleasure today to interview Dr. Stuart Hameroff who is a Professor Emeritus at the Department of Anesthesiology and Psychology and the Director of the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona. Dr. Hameroff is best known for his research on quantum consciousness, an alternative to the accepted view that consciousness emerges from complex computation. Dr. Hameroff in conjunction with noted Oxford physicist Sir Roger Penrose, who was Stephen Hawking's thesis advisor, has proposed that consciousness arises at the quantum level with infrastructures inside neurons known as microtubules. It is a great pleasure to interview you, Dr. Hameroff. Read more
Haunted Whorehouse in Wyoming
Is Lusk home to one of the longest running whorehouses in Wyoming? Some say yes, some also say that its haunted.
Mary Ada Fisher followed the gold boom west from Ohio, and found herself in the town of Lusk the year was 1919. Mary changed her name to Dell Burke, set up a tent, and started taking customers. Soon she had enough money to rent a house and bring in a few girls; it seemed Dell was on her way to bigger things. It was only a year later she bought a large house, painted it yellow and took in even more girls. Read more
Croatian Teenager Wakes from Coma Speaking Fluent German
A 13-year-old Croatian girl who fell into a coma woke up speaking fluent German. The girl, from the southern town of Knin, had only just started studying German at school and had been reading German books and watching German TV to become better, but was by no means fluent, according to her parents.
Since waking up from her 24 hour coma however, she has been unable to speak Croatian, but is able to communicate perfectly in German. Read more
Meetings with a Mantid Alien
My latest installment of experiences of a bizarre nature I've chosen to write about will be one of my experiences with a Mantis-like alien. (Dan M. at his blog wrote about one of his own experiences where one of these beings spoke to him.)
The memory is rather short-- but it's quite profound for me, because it's one of the few face-to-face encounters with intact memory AND waking consciousness combined where communication took place. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
A Spell to Stop Gossip and Slander

To perform the spell, you will need a cauldron or some other fireproof container in which you can safely burn a piece of paper. Also, you need a piece of paper, a pen, and a black marker. Perform the spell at night.
Light a small fire in a cauldron. Write on a piece of paper that is 3 inches x 3 inches, the word Gossip and underneath it write the lies that are being spread about you. Be thinking of these lies going away never to return as you draw an X with a dark marker across the paper. Toss the paper into the fire and repeat the following spell three times:
Gossip, slander, standing stout,Sit and concentrate on all the bad gossip going away for a few minutes and then extinguish the fire. The next day you should be able to tell that the gossip has stopped. If you're not sure it has, repeat the spell until you are.
With this X, I cross you out.
I toss their words into the fire,
All these lies no longer hire.
All bad things done and said,
Leave my life,
Be gone, be dead!
All the evil that they say,
Make it all go away!
Gossip bother me no more,
Be gone, be dead,
Be no more!
Have you ever wondered how some people have such good luck, and get such good results in their lives, as if by magic? The Witchcraft Secret Manual is a foolproof technique, that let novices to use the great power of White Magic to their advantage. To find out more, click here!
Gullible Woman Duped out of $62,000 by Psychics Who "Cleanse Cash" of Evil Spirits
When she saw the "for rent" sign in the Far Northwest Side home, a Park Ridge woman realized the mother-daughter team of self-described psychic healers had not taken her money to cleanse it of evil spirits — they stole it.
Laura Santini, 61, and her daughter, Rosann, 35, were indicted this week in Cook County on felony theft charges for allegedly scamming the woman of $62,000. The two haven't been seen in more than a year, authorities said. Read more
How to Make a Pact with a Spirit
Stephen Hawking: Humans Should Fear Aliens
World renowned scientist Stephen Hawking believes extraterrestrial life almost certainly exists -- and humans should be extremely cautious about interacting with it.
"To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational," Hawking says in a new Discovery Channel series called Stephen Hawking's Universe. "The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like." Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
A Spell to Keep a Love Affair Secret

To cast this spell, after dark light a white candle. Write your name on a piece of paper. Write your secret lover's name on another piece of paper. Place both pieces in an envelope, with the names facing each other. Seal the envelope and pass it through the candle flame without setting it on fire. Now put the envelope in front of you and say;
In here is our secret.Hide the envelope. Repeat these words without lighting the candle every day after dark. If you forget one day or the envelope is discovered, then you will no longer be safe.
Our secret will stay in here.
Nobody will discover it.
Nobody will know it.
Those who find out,
Will forget immediately.
Those who know it,
Will never use it against us.
This spell is a glamor or fascination spell, not an invisibility spell, so don't take foolish chances. Don't meet your lover in places your friends and family frequent. Use prepaid cellphones to communicate. Pay cash or use a prepaid credit card for gifts, hotel rooms, etc. As long as you're reasonably careful, this spell will protect against unlucky or accidental exposure of your affair.
Do you want that special man or woman of your dreams to finally start noticing you? Do you long for the affections and attentions of that particular person? Do you wish he or she would just ask YOU out on a date? Take action now! Red Magick Love Spells has the right spell for you, even if you are not an experienced witch! To find out more, click here!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Past Life Regression and Success
Firstly, you can benefit from learning your past. You see, the effects of the problems you’ve encountered in the past life may still be disturbing you at present. Through PLR therapy, you can work on the problems and somehow make positive changes in your present life.
Anyone can access their past life through the help of a PLR therapist. There are also ways to explore the past on your own but this may take time. There are certain exercises that can help you in exploring the past. Learn how the exercises are done and for how long. You must have the desire to learn such exercises and that you’re patient enough to explore. In order to access the past life recollections, you need to relax. Complete relaxation of the mind and body is essential. Once you start the exercises, you should focus your mind on discovering your past life. This should be your only thought. It would be impossible to get this the first time; just be patient.
Find a position where you can relax. You can either lie down or remain seated. If you prefer to sit down, make sure that you’re comfortable and relaxed. Do this in a quite place. Make sure that no one bothers you. You can do this at home, preferably in your room where no one can disturb you. You can even put up a sign on your door which says ‘do not disturb’. Prior to this exercise, you need to ensure that you slept well during the night so that you won’t fall asleep.
People have different beliefs when it comes to spiritual guides. Ask the spiritual guide you believe in to guide you while you’re regressing. The spiritual guide should protect you when you’re conducting past life regression. You need to ensure that you don’t go beyond 45 minutes. If you want, you can set up the alarm for 45 minutes.
You must know the reason for doing PLR. It might be that you want to find answers to some of your questions or perhaps you simply want to find out important aspects in your past. When conducting the exercise, you should achieve total relaxation. Your mind and body should be relaxed. Once you’re in a relaxed state, you should now focus on entering the so called ‘inner self’. Visualize stairs and at the bottom, a door. You need to walk slowly down the stairs. The door is the key to accessing your past life. When you reach the door, you can either sit down and rest or you open the door. There is no need to rush things. If you think you’re still not ready, just take a rest. When you’re ready, open the door slowly. Going down the stairs is only half of the experience and the other half will be discovering your past life.
Each individual is unique and you must accept this fact. You must be able to understand your past life during past life regression so that you can achieve success in your present life.
Are you ready to elevate your level of reality by uncovering the mysteries that make up the events of your past life? Power Past Life Regression was created By world-renowned hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, Power PLR is designed to help you discover how your past lives are affecting everything that makes up what your life ts today. Click Here!
For Sale: Two Captured Ghosts

A New Zealand woman has solved the mystery of what gift to get for the person who has everything.
But she's raised a whole lot of other questions in the process.
Avie Woodbury claimed she was so tired of being haunted that she called in an exorcist to rid her house of two ghosts.
The exorcist trapped the spirits in bottles of holy water - which Ms Woodbury has now put up for sale on internet auction site TradeMe.
'The holy water dulls the spirits' energy, sort of puts them to sleep' she said. Read more
The Many Faces of Bigfoot
Past Life Regression and FLP
Most individuals tend to have a lot of ‘what if’s’ in their minds. Through past life regression, you can discover a lot of things that can be of great benefit to you. If you’re suffering from unexplainable conditions or problems, PLR might be the answer. Opposite PLR is FLP or future life progression. There are certain individuals who prefer to look into their future rather than their past. Certain individuals want to find out who they were able to marry, what kind of life they are living, and where they live. PLR and FLP are similar but at the same time different. The procedures used are quite similar for PLR and FLP; however, the former is focused on the past while the other one is focused on the future. The idea of FLP was based in RV or remote viewing. This ability to travel to other places using consciousness; CIA pioneered RV as a psychic espionage tool. This agency spent a huge amount of money in order to locate KGB spies, hostages, drug shipments, crashed planes, and many others. FLP is a less complicated process because you don’t need to be one of the CIA.
Past Life Regression
This method of discovering your past can be done through hypnosis although there are also non-hypnosis methods being employed by PLR therapists. The appropriate method to use can only be determined after you’ve talked with the therapist about the things that you want to know or find out about your past life. PLR therapists are available worldwide and you can easily find one living in your area through a quick online search. Once you find a local PLR therapist, you can now start with the PLR sessions.
Future Life Progression
Discovering the past is just as important as knowing the future. If you have firm belief that the FLP therapist is a good one, then you can try it out. Those who have tried FLP sessions claim that they are able to lie a more fulfilling and successful life. There are also claims of talking to their future self which really helped in making present decisions. It’s up to you whether you will believe in these things or not.
No matter what other people say, the decision to go for a PLR or FLP therapy is a personal one. Don’t let others influence your decision. You will a more memorable and exciting experience if you do the therapy willingly. Find PLR or FLP therapists in your area now. You can choose any of the two procedures. It also involves a certain fee. Make sure that you can afford to pay for the services of the PLR or FLP therapist. It takes a few sessions before you get substantial information about your past or future; so try to choose a therapist who offers reasonable fees and at the same time, a reputable one.
Are you ready to elevate your level of reality by uncovering the mysteries that make up the events of your past life? Power Past Life Regression was created By world-renowned hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, Power PLR is designed to help you discover how your past lives are affecting everything that makes up what your life ts today. Click Here!
The Marine and the Black-Eyed Kids
You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who is tougher than a U.S. Marine. These soldiers are trained in combat, survival and to face the threat of imminent bodily harm or death. But perhaps they're not quite prepared when it comes to encounters with the unknown. Consider this report from a Marine, using the name Reaper 3-1, who had an unexpected and altogether unnerving experience with the mysterious phenomenon of the black-eyed people. To make it even more harrowing, these black-eyed entities appeared to be small kids. This is the Marine's story....
I'M A MARINE stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. I live in the infantry barracks off of River Road. I recently had a rather strange encounter with a pair of black-eyed kids. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Did Hobbits Have a Million-Year History on Flores Island?
Newfound stone tools suggest the evolutionary history of the "hobbits" on the Indonesian island of Flores stretches back a million years, a new study says—200,000 years longer than previously thought. Read more
Past Life Regression and Reincarnation: Myth or Reality?
Even if you already know something about the life prior to your present, it means nothing especially if you don’t do anything or make changes in your present life that is related to the past. Your conscious mind tells you what to do in your everyday life. Was there a point when you felt that something was missing in your life? Are there times when mysterious thoughts pop into your mind? In these instances, your subconscious mind might be telling your something and the problem is – you’re not listening or not giving it some attention.
Most religions all over the world like Catholic and Judaism believe in reincarnation. Because of the limited belief in past life regression, some people think that it’s only a myth. This is also true with hypnosis which happens to be the most common tool used in PLR. According to therapists, there is a connection between the current life and the past life. Famous people may also have been quite famous in their past lives.
Those who don’t believe in past life are asking for substantial evidence as a proof. It’s impossible to research about your past life. Notable exceptions are also known but this happens rarely.
In the case of PLR, a person can recall the details of his past life but once he returns to his conscious mind, he will recall anything. Only through the help of an experienced and reputable PLR therapist can you discover about the past.
Here’s a very good example that can serve as a proof that there really is a past life. A patient consulted a PLR therapist. The patient speaks only the English language and he doesn’t know any other language. During the therapy, he started talking in Spanish. The way he talked showed that he knew so much about the language during a certain era. So you see, when your subconscious is accessed through PLR, a lot of things can be discovered.
Aside from the past life, you can also uncover deeper memories that you can hardly remember, whether from your current life or that of the past. PLR is truly a fascinating thing. It can’t be considered a myth because there are already pieces of evidence that proves its validity. The decision is now only up to the individual whether he or she will believe in PLR or not. It is a matter of personal choice. Even if others don’t believe in it, you can always try a PLR session. You have nothing to lose just in case you consult a PLR therapist. It is also up to you whether you will believe in what you’ve discovered or whether you will allow such knowledge to affect your present life.
Past life regression is practiced all over the world. For centuries, a lot of people believed in reincarnation even though others contradict such belief. If you think that there is truth behind the claims of people who tried PLR, you’re free to consult a reputable PLR therapist. The experience you can gain is magical and fascinating; so why not try it now?
Are you ready to elevate your level of reality by uncovering the mysteries that make up the events of your past life? Power Past Life Regression was created By world-renowned hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, Power PLR is designed to help you discover how your past lives are affecting everything that makes up what your life ts today. Click Here!
UFOs Buzz Australian Nuclear Site
Aliens could be the latest to weigh in on the nuclear waste storage debate after UFOs were spotted near the proposed Territory facility.
Muckaty Station manager Ray Aylett said he saw UFOs hovering over a part of his station north of Tennant Creek last Wednesday.He said he spotted strange lights between the two sites on the property under consideration for the dump. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
The Bunyip: Australia's Unknown Creature
The bunyip is a mythical creature that is native to Australia. It is also known as kianpraty. The Aborigine word “bunyip” translates into demon spirit. There has been some debate as to whether this creature is just another species of Bigfoot or yeti, however, no one knows if there is a relation. The Australian Aborigines believed in the Bunyip so thoroughly that it has been integrated as a part of their traditional ceremonies and stories. Read more
Your Life’s Purpose and Past Life Regression
Life here on earth is a journey and everything has a purpose. As you grow older, you want to find out more about your purpose. Are you aware of why you’re here on earth or which path you’re trying to head out to? Was there ever an instance when you felt that a certain situation has already occurred? Or that you know someone even though you haven’t met him or her yet? If your answer is yes, then you need to know more about past life regression.
Your past shapes your present life and you need to focus on properly shaping the future ahead of you. You now have the power to create a much better life, a changed one. Try to think about all the things that you want to do and what makes you happy. Do the things that give you happiness and contentment. People usually take the easy path in life but did you ever think that you can have a better and more fulfilling life ahead? Without understanding yourself first, you can’t make desirable changes in your life. You see, you can’t blame others when things don’t go your way.
As long you’re still alive, you have a chance to live a better and more fulfilling life. When you make mistakes, try to learn from them. Don’t hesitate to explore new things. Do what you can do today and don’t leave it for tomorrow. Be aware of other’s feelings and don’t so something that can hurt or harm them. These things might seem difficult but if you simply exert enough effort, you will be able to perform them all.
Why don’t you try PLR? There are lots of PLR therapists around the world who can help you in exploring your past. According to studies, the only way to understand your present life is to know about your past. Not everyone believes in past lives but if you want to know more about your purpose, you should not hesitate to undergo a PLR session.
Find an experienced PLR therapist now. Hypnosis is usually being used to discover past life memories or experiences. Arrange for a session now especially if you’re having trouble in handling your problems or health condition. Perhaps the past can provide you with the answers. You might also find the answer as to your purpose in life.
Past life regression is already widely available although a great many still don’t believe in it. Now, the question is – do you believe in past lives? If you have a strong belief, this method may be able to give you the answers. Good luck for now and once you do find out about your purpose, make sure that you achieve it.
Are you ready to elevate your level of reality by uncovering the mysteries that make up the events of your past life? Power Past Life Regression was created By world-renowned hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, Power PLR is designed to help you discover how your past lives are affecting everything that makes up what your life ts today. Click Here!
Archaeologists Find Door to the Afterlife
The recessed niches found in nearly all ancient Egyptian tombs were meant to take the spirits of the dead to and from the afterworld. The nearly six-foot- tall (1.75 meters) slab of pink granite was covered with religious texts.
The door came from the tomb of User, the chief minister of Queen Hatshepsut, a powerful, 15th century BC queen from the New Kingdom with a famous mortuary temple near Luxor in southern Egypt. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Top 10 Religious Mysteries and Miracles
Do miracles take place? Are angels real? Does prayer work? These are some of the phenomena for which science tries to find rational explanations, and for the faithful no explanations are necessary. But the ten mysteries examined below are of continuing interest to many people, if only out of curiosity, and are subjects of genuine inquiry by paranormal investigators. In no particular order, here are the top ten religious mysteries and miracles. Read more
Vision Report Watch - A shocking biweekly watchdog online magazine for the minority of us interested in the non-mainstream: UFOs, conspiracies, eugenics, Bible prophecy, Nostradamus, 2012, Nephilim, and chemtrails. To get your first four editions, literally within minutes, click here.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
The Rationale of Past Life Regression
Here’s a very good example. A certain wealthy individual is suffering from an unexplainable trauma. In his past life, he discovered that he was extremely wealthy and barbarians killed him. The trauma experienced by the individual is connected to his past. Unconsciously, his mind has associated wealth with death which explains the trauma he is currently facing.
Women who are not comfortable in the presence of men especially in having sex may have been raped in their past lives.
A habitual eater may have been around during the Holocaust wherein thousands of people died because of hunger. At present, the individual is trying really hard to control his life and whenever he or she is in distress, eating too much is a natural tendency.
A greedy pirate in the past may find it hard to handle finances in the present life.
These are true examples of past life regression. These individuals were able to understand their present condition by simply subjecting themselves to PLR therapy. In fact, according to studies, health conditions may be rooted to the past life of an individual.
People suffering from asthma may have choked or drowned in the past. Those who suffer from back pain may have been shot or stabbed on the back. Healing may be possible through past life regression. If you’ve been undergoing medical check ups and programs for a long time but with no substantial improvement, perhaps it’s now time to consider PLR. Therapists claim that the memories of the past life lie on the unconscious mind of the individual. Oftentimes, wrong conclusions about the past are already imprinted in the subconscious and because of this the present life is also affected. For instance, in your past life, your husband left you so in your present life you don’t trust men. Another example is you were killed when the Romans attacked at night and so today you associate darkness to danger.
This is the rationale of past life regression. All your fears today including some of your health conditions may be the result of wrong imprints in your mind. Discovering the past may be your only chance to correct things. When you’re rediscovering your past life, you will not remember anything once you’re conscious mind is back. The details of the PLR sessions will be provided by the therapist. Talk to your therapist and reveal your past, no matter how good or bad it is. You must learn to understand your past life so that you can better understand the present.
Past life regression is not new and it has been practiced for many years now. Aside from hypnosis, the therapist can also use other methods to uncover your past life. After talking to a PLR therapist, the appropriate method can be determined. You need to be open to the therapist and provide all the necessary information. You will benefit greatly from PLR. If you’re having second thoughts about it, you can invite a friend or a family member to accompany you.
Are you ready to elevate your level of reality by uncovering the mysteries that make up the events of your past life? Power Past Life Regression was created By world-renowned hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, Power PLR is designed to help you discover how your past lives are affecting everything that makes up what your life ts today. Click Here!
Air Force Academy Gives Pagans, Druids and Wiccans Place to Worship
The Air Force Academy has set aside an outdoor worship area for Pagans, Wiccans, Druids and other Earth-centered believers, school officials said Monday.
A double circle of stones atop a hill on the campus near Colorado Springs has been designated for the group, which previously met indoors. Read more