Monday, September 17, 2012

Past Life Regression and Success

type='html'>Your present life is a continuation of your past life. Some individuals may believe in it, but others might not. Still, continuous studies on past life regression reveals that the past life of an individual can affect present life conditions. So why consider a PLR therapy?

Firstly, you can benefit from learning your past. You see, the effects of the problems you’ve encountered in the past life may still be disturbing you at present. Through PLR therapy, you can work on the problems and somehow make positive changes in your present life.

Anyone can access their past life through the help of a PLR therapist. There are also ways to explore the past on your own but this may take time. There are certain exercises that can help you in exploring the past. Learn how the exercises are done and for how long. You must have the desire to learn such exercises and that you’re patient enough to explore. In order to access the past life recollections, you need to relax. Complete relaxation of the mind and body is essential. Once you start the exercises, you should focus your mind on discovering your past life. This should be your only thought. It would be impossible to get this the first time; just be patient.

Find a position where you can relax. You can either lie down or remain seated. If you prefer to sit down, make sure that you’re comfortable and relaxed. Do this in a quite place. Make sure that no one bothers you. You can do this at home, preferably in your room where no one can disturb you. You can even put up a sign on your door which says ‘do not disturb’. Prior to this exercise, you need to ensure that you slept well during the night so that you won’t fall asleep.

People have different beliefs when it comes to spiritual guides. Ask the spiritual guide you believe in to guide you while you’re regressing. The spiritual guide should protect you when you’re conducting past life regression. You need to ensure that you don’t go beyond 45 minutes. If you want, you can set up the alarm for 45 minutes.

You must know the reason for doing PLR. It might be that you want to find answers to some of your questions or perhaps you simply want to find out important aspects in your past. When conducting the exercise, you should achieve total relaxation. Your mind and body should be relaxed. Once you’re in a relaxed state, you should now focus on entering the so called ‘inner self’. Visualize stairs and at the bottom, a door. You need to walk slowly down the stairs. The door is the key to accessing your past life. When you reach the door, you can either sit down and rest or you open the door. There is no need to rush things. If you think you’re still not ready, just take a rest. When you’re ready, open the door slowly. Going down the stairs is only half of the experience and the other half will be discovering your past life.

Each individual is unique and you must accept this fact. You must be able to understand your past life during past life regression so that you can achieve success in your present life.

Are you ready to elevate your level of reality by uncovering the mysteries that make up the events of your past life? Power Past Life Regression was created By world-renowned hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, Power PLR is designed to help you discover how your past lives are affecting everything that makes up what your life ts today. Click Here!