Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome to The Paranormal Dimension

type='html'>Happy Lammas Day! The Paranormal Dimension is back! After two years of publication, at Blogspot, and then at WordPress.com, my account was suspended because WordPress.com said another blog of mine violated their terms of service (after having previously told me it didn’t). The Paranormal Dimension disappeared with my account. It’s so gone that even the Wayback Machine can’t find it. Thanks to WordPress.com, a year and a half of posts were lost.

I considered including the six months of posts from the original blog here at Blogspot, but decided against it. I just re-posted my articles on witchcraft and developing psychic powers. Otherwise, it’s a fresh start.

The Paranormal Dimension is the world of ESP, UFOs, time travel, cryptozoology, the occult, magic, and witchcraft. Since the beginning of time, people have experienced the weird, the unexplained, and the supernatural. The Paranormal Dimension will tell their stories.