Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Balinese Traditional House and Philosophy Contained in the Establishment

In studying the customs and culture of Indonesia, including Bali , not separated from the home studied Balinese . Bali custom home built by the rules that exist in the Vedic scriptures . The house construction must conform to the rules of Asta Kosala Kosali procedures governing the laying house . This rule may be almost similar to the rules of feng shui known in china .Balinese Traditional House and Philosophy Contained in the Establishment
There is a philosophy behind the construction contained in Balinese traditional house . Custom home in Bali is a reflection of the condition of the existing society . There are three aspects or values ​​that should be contained in a custom home in Bali . According to the Balinese , harmony in the society will be realized JILA someone capable of realizing synergistic relationship between pawongan ( residents ) , palemahan ( the environment of the house where it is located ) , and parahyangan . Construction of houses in Bali must meet these three aspects , which are commonly referred to as the Tri Hita Karana .
Most homes built in traditional Balinese other than on the basis of three aspects of earlier , well built and decorated with knickknacks such as wood carvings , but seem natural color contrast . In any decorations or knick - knacks that exist in a traditional house in Bali , no philosophy or meaning adopted : for example the presence of the sculptures is a symbol of their worship to the creator, or thanks to the gods .Reflection of Balinese Culture

RUMAH ADAT BALIBalinese society is a society that upholds the culture , and it is reflected in the daily habit of architecture and buildings that were there : be it Balinese traditional house which they occupy , public buildings , places of worship , and others . Formerly, each custom homes in the occupied Bali consists of several small buildings united by a fence that surrounds the house . With the development of the architectural model and the development era , the house in Bali now no longer consists of several separate buildings .
As reviewed in the article above , the construction of custom homes in Bali is guided by the ejection Asta Kosala Kosali and in accordance with the principle of Tri Hita Karana . Each custom home is built there must meet these principles because the Balinese upholds the rule of life contained in the scriptures and the guidance of hereditary custom . Every thing that is written in the scriptures always ditati by the people of Bali , because Bali is known as the community residents who emnjunjung high culture and customs . For more details , maybe you can find some information about Bali and testimony custom homes and custom homes of Bali and its function . The existence of custom home is part of the Indonesian nation's wealth of cultural treasures .