Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Pendet Welcome To Welcome To Gods - Gods

There is a beautiful dance called Pendet is a beautiful dance from Bali , this dance is one of the most sacred tribal dance when compared with other traditional dance because dance pendet use mystical elements that are in it . Traditional dance is symbolized aa reception Pendet gods coming down from the top into the world and penetrated the soul is dancing. Traditional dance Pendet quite a bit difficult to do the dance and for people who are already experts can dance , because for those who do not know will have difficulty in balancing ,Pendet Welcome To Welcome To Gods - Gods

Pendet dance is just a welcome to the gods who are in another world to enter the human realm , they give gods - gods that aims to welcome the god - the god of love and feel comforted because of the rave reviews . So god - the god of love with Pendet to dwell on earth and provide special benefits for his community and also serves as a protector of society .
Pendet Nor Couple Do It Group
Pendet Traditional dance is performed by means of pairs - male and female couple or with a group can also be done by men whose mass is usually done on the mountain . Clothing available on Pendet include tapih wearing green , red parchment , angkin prada yellow and red shawl plain without motive . As for the decoration used pendet dancers include hair sasak and use frangipani flowers , roses, clover and flowers Sandat who have a pattern of rules and the composition of each - each well was placed in a curved or elongated decara .
For completion Pendet dance usually mengginakan bowl is decorated with leaf ornament , with its own customized pieces motif according to the penarri , also with a bias motive lozenges slices or with the incorporation of existing motifs . Pendet itself is done with graceful movements without power , for pendet dance usually performed by female dancers with dynamic movement patterns that are usually performed during ceremonies or special events held in Bali to bring sengku , a pitcher , or cup with equipment offerings specifically for the show.
At Pendet dance Initially established in 1950 , when he first created this dance is usually performed only for the ceremony - a special ceremony only, but now many are showing this pendet dance in various places as a form of art appreciation and a desire to learn more pendet dance remote as well as for the development of culture Pendet .