Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Dance Central Java Gambyong Ah Tradition

Gambyong dance is a dance that originated from Central Java , Surakarta precisely . This dance is a dance performed in order to enliven the event or wedding receptions are often also played to welcome the guests . What makes it seem so different from other dances gambyong this dance is always preceded by Gending pickaxe . This dance was very beautiful diliat or seem so outrageous when sipenari dancing in tune with the rhythm of music mengirinya , especially when he is so wahhh when moving in rhythm with the drum sound is one of the main attraction gambyong dance . drummer drums in this dance is not a person who recklessly because he should be able to adjust to liak - contortion of the body of the dancer but also have to keep in tune with gising . Therefore , sipenari will not be able to dance well without being accompanied by matching sound with rocking drums . So selarasnya between the sound of drums and sipenari gambyong make these two things can not be separated .
dance gambyongDance Gambyong Instruments
Musical instrument or instruments that are typically used to accompany the dance are as follows :

successor gender
History of Dance Gambyong
At the beginning of this dance but the dance is also staged street by street dancers commonly referred to as Tledek ( Java Language ) . Tledek the name of this dance is Gambyong , he was very well known in nearly all regions of Surakarta on Pakubowono Sinuhun Period IV ( 1788 s / d 1820 ) . The figure of the dancer who is so very beautiful and of course she can also dance is very beautiful and so lovely and plus it also has a melodious voice , so it can not be denied again he became very famous at that time . And since that's the dance that plays dance dubbed Gambyong .motion Dance
At the center of this dance lies in the overall motion of the legs, arms , body , and head . Head movement and also the hand that once felt so conceptualized is the main characteristic Gambyong dance . Additionally eyes always accompany or follow every movement of your hand by looking at the direction of the fingers of the hand also is very dominant . Besides footwork so harmonious dance tune made ​​gambyong look so very fantastic .